Wizard and Hots
Hots built in Dec. 1988.. Whiz, Sep 2000. Span 34-3/4", chord 10-1/4", length 34-1/2", flying weight 32 oz.. Speed 600 motor, 7x5 APC prop, 7x800 cells.. Futaba MCR-4A receiver, 2x S-133 servos. Plane built one-piece, non-removable wing. Rudder and elevator control. Receiver in front of the battery for the best c.g. Doesn't fly as well on Graupner 6x6 folder or Master 7x6 as it does on the APC 7x5.
........In-flight shots....
Once the battery capacity, c.g. and prop situation was resolved it became a decent flier. Reasonably fast and active. Can't roll! Gets inverted and hangs.. recovers via a Split-s Added an aileron on the left side to improve the roll rate.. not much happened.
...Bottom details...
A large hole over the servos for access, and cooling air out. Three bumpers to keep the bottom off the concrete. No grass around to belly-flop on. It's hard on props!
..EZWizard and feathered pals......
EZWizard.htm 10-01-2007