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...Photo plane, V2, 02-27-2002.......

..Close to final configuration..

..relationship of the boom stuff..

The servo for each surface lies flat on the bottom of the wing inboard of the boom. The .055 wire pushrod runs thru the center of the 5/16" OD fiber-glass boom, and exits the end of the boom. It's bent back to pick up the horn. The antenna runs out the left side of the pod to the boom, then back along the boom out of the prop's way.

..After flight #3..

The camera (Canon ELPH LT) is mounted to look sideways and downwards at 10 degrees. The shutter is actuated by a CS-11 servo attached to a nose-gear steering arm on the end of the shutter pushrod. The photos are more pleasing than looking more downwards, although for scientific use a vertical camera is better.

..The camera plane in flight..

The plane flies quite well, better than the pusher vee-tail with the same wing. The prop is far enough behind the wing to not damage it when power comes up. The antenna can be seen on the left boom. The fiber glass booms appear to bend when the speed rises. Carbon-fiber is probably a better choice.


.Sparky flying on the San Andreas Fault, just behind his home

..basic layout...

.RcCAD was used for the conversion from the first version to this inverted vee. The wing is a standard Goldberg Electra, once modified for vee-dihedral and ailerons, then changed to polyhedral and no ailerons 9 years ago. A good performing basic wing. Good thermal ability even at the flying weight of 56 ozs. The plane balances per Electra, at 3-5/8" back. Handlaunches with the motor running easily.

..Next version Photo Plane..

..Speed 400 sized photo plane..

..Details in a photo..

..Cameras on Kadets..

.. Lots of stuff on aerial photos and links..

..Return to Main Menu..

E-mail to: Paul J. Burke

VeeTailE-PhotoPlane.htm 10-11-2008