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Thoughts on designs

The Tailwinds runway is much smoother than most model runways, thanks to the requirement that it be nice to jets when it was constructed. This makes for easy takeoffs, but the landings are difficult because of the lack of rolling friction. The models tend to roll off the end into the desert, or off the side into the desert. Either way damages the landing gear for many models.The nose gear in particular needs to sturdy.. it catches hell when landing and veering off the runway! Both landing gears should be rugged, and easy to replace.. In this image the nose gear servo is seen thru a window in the bottom of the plane's nose. This is covered with clear Monokote, making inspection easy. The servo has a dual arm connection.. if one side is broken, the fix is to merely swap the broken side with the good side.
E-Z connectors make this work.
The main gear is seperate from the fuselage structure, with all parts easily changed when needed.

A spare nosegear assembly is nice to have available, as are spare axles for the main gear.


Empennage ideas....Design layout........All together... ..Sparky's Main Menu.


Paul Burke .e-mail