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SAE Aero Design West, 2001

June 8-10,2001 Lancaster Ca

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Canada emptied out this year also.. they all came here!

McGill University..16th place...15.2 pounds lifted

University of Calgary.. 20th official flights

..University of Texas, Pan American...14th place..17.38 pounds lifted..

University of British Columbia..7th place..22.5 pounds lifted
..UBC website..

right Menu Arrow..inflights of these teams. right Menu Arrow.more photos.. right Menu Arrow.more teams.. right Menu Arrow.Musings on this years performances..

Link to S.A.E. Aerodesign West information:

right Menu Arrow..SAE Aerodesign West results and information, for 2000..

..2001 official results....

..1999 SAE ADW Competition photos...

Left Menu ArrowReturn to Sparky's Main Menu.......


©Paul J. Burke E-mail

..PJB's Seriously Aeronautical Stuff..


©Paul J. Burke E-mail