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#23 Velvet St., Bonita Homes,

Marikina City, Metro Manila 1811

Tel. Nos. 941-9607; 940-4833

Mobile No. [0916] 538-8694





Objective:  To be an integral part of a reputable institution which could provide me with extensive training that could further develop my personality and skills.




July 2002 – To Present       FBM SOFTWARE

                                                                McKinley Road, Makati City


-         Software Developer, our main task is to do research and development for the assigned project, following a strict process of Software Development cycle.


-         A member of the Software Development team behind ZeroAds. A web surfing companion, that blocks annoying ads, cookies, and pop-ups.


-         ZeroAds Technical Support, the product is backed up with 24/7 live chat and email support. I had the chance to reply to query mails and diagnose customer concerns thru live chat.


-         ZeroSpyware, an upcoming product, which blocks and also has the capability to completely eliminate spyware from your system.


-         Knowledgeable in Object Oriented Programming, Winsock Programming, Multi-threading, Design Patterns, Windows Programming and Flash Action Script.


-         Development Environment: Visual C/C++, Win32, Winsock 2, and FlashMx.




                                      Diliman, Quezon City


- On-The-Job Training, a member of the Web Development Team.




1997 – 2001                      DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY

                                      Taft Avenue, Manila                   


-         Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with   Specialization in Software Technology, December 2001.


-         Jose Rizal Second Honors Certificate 1st Term SY 2000-2001.


-         Research Paper: TesselCraft, graphics software that is capable of producing repeating patterns called tessellation, based on geometric concepts of symmetry. A combination of Science, Technology, and Art.


1993 – 1997                      MARIST SCHOOL

                                      Marikina Heights, Marikina City


-         High School Diploma, March 1997.




1997 – 1998                      LA SALLE COMPUTER SOCIETY (LSCS)

                                      Gokongwei Building, De La Salle University                        

                                      -   Member   




August 1999                      ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION

                                      Student Development Office, De La Salle University.


                                      EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION

                                      Student Development Office, De La Salle University.




February 1999                   CORBA

College of Computer Studies Faculty, Software Technology Department, De La Salle University.


November 1998                VISUAL BASIC

College of Computer Studies Faculty, Software Technology Department, De La Salle University.


June 1997                        TIME MANAGEMENT

                                      Student Development Office, De La Salle University.




Birthday                          26 October 1980


Nationality                      Filipino


Skills                               Fluent in English, Filipino


Knowledgeable in programming languages such as Visual C/C++, Win32, Winsock 2, FlashMx, Action Script, MFC, Visual Basic, Java, HTML, Pascal, Oracle, and in Microsoft Applications as well.


Interests                          Playing Tennis, Bowling, Weight Training, Listening to Music, and Watching Movies.


Qualities                         Hardworking, Persistent, Punctual, Willing to learn                       




Available upon request





  Download My Resume in Word Format (Andrew_Artajos.doc)