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What is 'The Flap Comic'? you may be asking. The answer is this. When I was a lot younger than I am now, probably around 1985 / 86 when i was 6 or 7 years old, I started to read well known famous comics such as 'The Beano' and 'The Dandy.' These comics inspired me to begin my own creation.

Having enjoyed art and drawing since a very early age. I began to copy the Beano, but i used all my own characters. Bizarrely, all the characters were either a Dog or a Rabbit, and humans hardly featured at all. What inspired this?

The answer is soft toys. Naturally, when you are a small child, people buy you soft toys, and you play with them. I gave them all names and gradually, each soft toy gained its own unique character and voice. Hence, my comic's characters are simply my very old soft toys!

Anyway, enjoy the site and feel free to contact me if you wish by Clicking Here