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Subject: An email received on Shridath Ramphal

nandlall wrote:

When we ever learn! Have any of you walked in Ramphal's shoes to know what his life is like. I am very saddened by the closed mind of people who can spew such negative and hateful
views. When will we ever learn!!!!!!!!!

Nandlall, BA.




Sent: June 15, 2003
Subject: An email received on Shridath Ramphal

Sorry to share the email above  so late. Every time I tried to delete it, like a force acting on me , NOT to. Like I was forced to pass it through the group after storing it in my draft folder for about 10 weeks. The email came about from the statement - Crooks of the India Diaspora - that displayed on my websites 


My shoes are different from Ramphal. He is a CROOK and me is no CROOK

Some more facts below:

*Through most of Burnham reign, civil liberties were largely eliminated

*There was systematic erosion of human and political rights

*The judicial system was contaminated with political influence

* Press freedom was curtailed

*Travel restrictions across the country were imposed

*Political parties and trade unions protested but their actions were equivalent to throwing water on duck's back

When Burnham died, Guyanese rejoiced.

Sir Shridat Ramphal helps with the construction of Burnham's era




Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003

Subject: RE: An email received on Shridath Ramphal

Ramphal – I refuse to call him SIR – was the instrument who closed off the liberties of Indians. He was not used, he was a member of the team. I know him personally and I am very much aware of his family make up. David Singh, Sonny Ramphal, Sasenarine Singh, Pandit, D. Sharma, Cammie Rramsaroop were the bastards who languished in luxury at the expense of their fellow Indians. When the African delegation was in Guyana and that African President wanted to have Dolly Baksh, where were these guys? They were right there. They were involved in arranging for her to be taken to his room where she was brutally raped and eventually killed.

  Walk in their shoe! No decent human being would want to ever do that. That shoe is full of blood from the Indian girls who were raped and butchered at the famous encampments established in the forest.




Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 8:29 AM

Subject: Atrocities in Guyana

 Dear Mr. Ramphal,

 The world today seem to be expressing extreme love and respect to you. In fact the Indian Government just recently honored you Sir.

I imagine Guyanese the world over should all be proud of what you have achieved and the honor being bestowed upon you, however I personally feel ashamed that you have been so honored.

Mr. Ramphal, the disdain I feel for you is because of the actions, the activities you participated in during the reign of terrorism under a heinous dictatorship that sought to demographically destroy anything "Indian", It is laughable that the Indian government of today honors you Sir when as a senior member of that government it was you who rewrite the constitution to guarantee Mr. Burnham Presidency for life; it was you Sir, who amended laws that incarcerated many Indians; it was you Sir who aided by legislation, the atrocious robbery conducted against Indians of their properties.

Sir, as one of the senior most member of that dictatorship, you sat idly by (maybe you participated to a certain degree for personal enjoyment) as the daughters of the Indian people were raped to satisfy the lust of your greedy and lecherous leader. 

Sir, the honor lauded on you by the Government of India should be returned because you allowed Indians to be destroyed by Burnham and associates. Of course I do not expect you to take the podium and acknowledge any of this because after all, you are guilty as charged.



Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003

Subject: Re: Atrocities in Guyana

DITTO! My father always spoke of this low-life fudge-packer/eater. We should send a letter of protest to the Indian Government. Let them know how we feel, and perhaps make history by RESCINDING this terrible DIS-honor and injustice to our Indo-Guyanese people.



Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003

Subject: RE: Atrocities in Guyana


I am of a younger generation and did not experience but heard some of what you have stated herein. And, I always believe there is some truth in any statement. How can a conscionable person accept such an award? I hope there was self repentance on his part, way before he accepted this award.



Subject: [Guyanese] Re: Atrocities in Guyana

Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 

My fellow friends/Guyanese:

Here we are objecting to the award given to Shridath Ramphal by the Government of India. There are many knowledgeable Guyanese on this website and I commend them.

However, Shridath Ramphal, I believe is a citizen of England. (Please correct me if I am wrong.) Ramphal whom I know little about except reading about his 'accomplishments' in the newspapers should have been honourable and should not have accepted the honor bestowed upon him.

My point is that there are many distinguished politicians living in Guyana and other professionals along with many other organisations who should have taken up the fight to prevent the Govt. of India from bestowing the honor.

I believe that they should continue the fight to have the honor withdrawn and the Government of India should be notified of Ramphal's atrocities on the people of Indian decent while he was a member of Burnham's corrupt regime.

Remember Ramphal was given a knighthood from Britain and as such is entitled to use 'Sir' before his name. Is he an OBE or an MBE?



Hi Hari

Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003

Subject: RE: Atrocities in Guyana

Are you kidding? Those guys sat there and partook of everything. How in God's name they stood by and saw the dehumanization their fellow Indians went through and then to stand before the world as a representative of Indians!!!!!!



Subject: Fw: Atrocities in Guyana

Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003


      Hello All,
   This fellow, possessing a most despicable disposition, and having stooped so low in his selfish and greedy life, has no choice but to accept, nay to grab at anything to pull him out of his sordid past and in his old age to present a seeming polished life. Most normal and really intelligent human beings would have a hard time to accept anything from decent persons or organisations that which they think they do not deserve. But this fellow whose inglorious past must torment him these enlightened days, would find great delight to be acceptable in our ordinary society.
   I wonder who recommended this lackey and stooge of the anti Indo-Guyanese Burnham dictatorship! Why doesn't he just disappear from our view? Oh, how these debased characters love the limelight! No wonder, shit always floats around.


Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003

Subject: Re: [Guyanese] Re: Atrocities in Guyana

Last month, Sir Shridath recieved Belize's highest national award. No matter how you  twist it, the man is a GENIUS



Are you kidding? He was a genius CROOK . Those guys sat there and partook of everything. How in God's name they stood by and saw the dehumanization their fellow Indians went through and then to stand before the world as a representative of Indians!!!!!!

DOLLY BAKSH WAS RAPED, MURDERED and her naked body dumped at the seashore with her boyfriend. Mannie Haniff too murdered in a similar way

 PNC murdered the below. Who next??



Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003

Subject: Re: Atrocities in Guyana....the accomplishments of a genius???

Can anyone document what invaluable contributions Ramphal made to Guyana and then to the world?

I lived through the darkest Burnham years and am scratching my greying hair to figure out how Ramphal was a genius!!!!

Perhaps Alzheimer's is catching up with me!!!

Anyone wants to document his contributions ---particularly to Guyana?





Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003

Subject: Re: Atrocities in Guyana....the accomplishments of a genius???

Imran, I guess we were sleeping when these contributions happened. I wrote sometime ago about this man, he did nothing good for the East Indian race of Guyana. He was Burnham's 'joeboy'.




Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003

Subject: Re: Re: [Guyanese] Re: Atrocities in Guyana

Jairam, he is not so smart and will never be to acknowledge the wrongs he did.




Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003

Subject: Re: Re: [Guyanese] Re: Atrocities in Guyana, Ramphal

They honoured him for his work done in some highly recognized international posts.  Why didn't we expose him all this time if he supported a criminal element in Guyana in the past. W didn't write before it happened to the prestigious bodies that honoured him.   So that the Indian Gov't would have known that he helped (whether indirectly)  suppress and oppress Indians.   Come on Guys, we ourselves allow the world to think that the man has integrity and is honourable.  Maybe, he can come forward and apologise for his misdeeds.  That would be okay with me. Peace




Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003

Subject: Fw: Re: Re: [Guyanese] Re: Atrocities in Guyana, Ramphal

I did wrote 2 emails 6 weeks before he got the award

One email went to the Ambassador of India to USA and the other to India Ambassador in Guyana.

They just ignored the emails.  Now, The Government of India will be in a embarrassing situation













Ramphal and Mohammed Shahabudeen laid the foundation for the Burnham dictatorship - the beginning of the destruction of Guyana from which we have never recovered. They have both feathered their nests and left us with the problems they engineered.