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by Mary Sutherland

I used to live in Apache Junction, Arizona which is known for it's vortexes and mysteries. This little town lies at the base of the Superstition Mountains, which lies parallel to the Devil's triangle, 33 degrees.

One night, while my husband was on a business trip, I went to bed and pulled my two children in with me. The head of my bed was up against a window. It was warm that night and the air was still, so I had the windows open when we fell to sleep.

I awoke to the sounds  like that of a roaring  train coming through my bedroom window. The curtains of the window were blowing straight out towards me as I jumped up from my sleep.  It was so loud both my children jumped up too. But as soon as I woke and jumped up with a start, the roar ceased and the curtains dropped down to their normal position. I quickly looked out the window to see what I thought was maybe a storm. Strangely enough, the night was very quiet with not even a breeze.(1)

I noticed a pain in my right hand (palm area). I looked down to see my fist tightly clenched. My fist was clenched so tight my finger nails had dug deep into my palm, causing the sensation of pain I was feeling.

I opened my fist and found a very small rock sitting in the palm area of my hand. Immediately, as I looked at it, a vision came over me accompanied with a voice within my head saying 'You brought the rock back so that you may never forget where you were.'  At this same time the vision reminded me of where I had been in my dreams (astral projection). I remembered a grecian/temple type a gigantic library with long halls, tall rounded pillars, with these stone tables and benches in a large room where students were studying ancient papers. I remembered myself being in one of the halls filled on each side with shelves upon shelves of books.  The voice within my head then, upon my recollection of my astral experience, told me 'this is the hall of wisdom'. 

I looked at my children which were wide awake and staring at me. I showed them the rock and told them NEVER to forget what happened that night. Some friends came over that morning and I showed them the rock. One of them was an ex-police office from Chicago, Il.  They all agreed that there was something very special about it.  One of them had what is called a loupe and used it to examine the rock more closely. Oddly, the rock was crystal quartz with veins of silver 'and' gold running through it. Now I don't know how familiar any of you are with gold and silver but rule of thumb is they 'each' can be found in quartz,  but not both in the same quartz. Well to make sure of what this rock really was, I took it to a shop in the Junction that specialized in analyzing rocks and precious stones. She confirmed what my friends told me. They were also there to hear the confirmation.  I wanted witnesses as you can well understand. When my husband got home, I also showed him the stone and the kids related to him the story.

For years I asked questions to people on where this place was that I had went to. Being that I wasn't in the spiritual circles during that time, no one had the slightest idea of a Hall of Learning. It took me almost 10 years before the mystery was solved for me.  I thank Edgar Evan Cayce's book and Sylvia Browne for validating my place of travel.  To me it was told Great Hall of Learning. Cayce and Browne called it 'Great Hall of Wisdom'. Although the name was slightly different the description was identical to how Cayce described it. Through them I also learned about astral traveling .

O.K. now 2/3's of the mystery was solved but the biggest mystery still remained.How in the world did I manage to pull something out of my dream.  the only place I had even seen anything similar to that was in an old 'Freddie Kruger flick' and that was movie stuff.  So I sure wasn't going to base anything on that and reveal my story.

About six months ago a friend came across the answer to the puzzle. He didn't know too much about it but he had a name for me of the phenomena.  Apportation.   Now with a name I went through every site I could find hoping to find something on it.  There isn't much on the subject but through preseverance I managed to finally find what I was looking for.

This is what I found:

Vortexes are the result of a tremendous circulatory energy phaseout. The phaseout is responsible for a certain revolution of a cycle that produces manifestations. When the rings in the vortex have been charged, they allow a clarity of the picture to be manifested.(2)

The entities of pure light are the only ones that can materialize in this and those who have gone through a long period , or phase, of being restructured themselves. Whenever you are going into a vortex of this kind, the person experiences a strong grounding process. Within the energy field is a spiral. If you are not grounded properly, you may come back desensitized and imbalanced. This can be seen as unannounced colored lights appearing in your field from purple to red to also yellow and white. Sometimes what happens is that these lights are so excessive that you will see them come into the house. They would be hovering either around the head area of a person or their solar plexus.(3)

There are certain kinds of grounding stones that are produced from these affects. These stones appear from nowhere and are called apports or materializations. These stones provide the apportioner a protection as well. They come from an instrument of sorts (you) that is created from the spiralling effect of that kind of rapid energy that is given off while you are in apportation. This instrument of sorts contains a very strong solar plexus content of microwaves..which create the stones used for protection as well as healing later. These stones are referred to as 'Earth Gifts', which also come from another world plane. The contents of the earth gifts are from the make up of the soil and environment of the other world, which are similar but not the same as the earth plane.

Although not designed for spiritual growth, the manifestation produced by apportation does reveal to us the Manifestation of the Spirit (as Quantum Theory speaks to the creation of matter out of nothing, the Bible substantiates the creation of matter out of nothing as well, most notably at II Kings 4:l-7 --- where empty jar after empty jar are filled with oil from one jar --- and John 6:l-l3 --- where from four loaves of bread and a few fish, thousands upon thousands of people are fed). The Bible refers to this phenomena as the manifestation of The Kingdom Within. Everyone has what is called a point of personal manifestation within them, showing them who they are and where they are from. When they reach that strong blending of the Spirit Within and themselves, then this manifestation appears, proving to them that they have just entered the 'Kingdom Within'.

Notes on the Above:

(1) I awoke to the sounds of..................

I found out later through my research that the sound of the astral body coming back into the body can make a loud roaring sound like that of a train or loud cracking sound . This is also why the wind through the window. It wasn't the wind after all. It was my astral coming back at such a strong momentum it drew the curtains with it, like that of wind blowing through the window.  ( You may have noticed sometimes just before you fall to sleep sometimes you may hear a loud crack.  that is the astral body leaving the physical. breaking a sound barrier )

(2) The Superstition Mountains is known for it's vortexes.  More so than even Sedona. The Superstitions lie on the same  parallel (extreme northern edge, 33º 24') as that of  the Devil's Triangle.  I  also have a map of vortex hotpoints I will put in the photo section of mysteries to show you how the area I was at lies on these same hot lines.

(3) The entities of pure light.....

It was interesting to note here, this was the exact time of my life I was going to past/future life hypnosis. I was also using hypnosis to shed myself of all my past inhibitions. During this time, I was hypnotised and went through extensive spiritual cleansing.

Now many people have said to astral travel you need to meditate but what happen to me was a dream experience. I did nothing to promote the idea before I went to sleep.

What I think happened was a combination of events that came together at just the right time to present this type of manifestation.  My cleansing, my desire to find my spiritual source and the vortex.

This happened over 10 years ago and this is really only the second time I have ever put the story into writing. One was through a quick post in answer to another person's experience. And now this time. But this time I present the full account of my experience.

The things that happened to me during this point of my life changed my life forever . This of course is only one thing that happened but a very important one. After this my spirituality was not based on faith alone, but through a 'God Experience'. 


ADDENDUM: Shamanic Trance States

"When the Wanderling awoke the next morning in the trees there was actual in-reality beach sand gripped in the palm of his hand, yet the spot he was found was at least seven miles inland from any sandy beach and several thousand feet up the mountain. However, the night before sand was scooped on a pass over Lime Cay during the journey."




Copyright 2002  Mary Sutherland





A jeweler's loupe (pronounced 'loop') is a special magnifying glass that enables a person to take a closer look at gemstones and other small objects. Internal flaws and surface blemishes become more apparent as well as allowing color assessment, cut, and other aspects of the stone. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules state that a 10X magnification of the original size loupe be used for all standard gemstone grading performed in the United States.

In the Gospel according to Luke, Jesus was demanded of the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God should come. He answered sort of vaguely by saying

"The Kingdom of God comes not with observation, neither shall they say, 'Lo here,' or 'Lo there,' for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you!" (Luke 17:20-21)

Some scholars found it difficult to believe that the kingdom of God could be within those religious men, that is, the Pharisees, so they dug into the Greek and found that within here means, "in the midst." Even so, we know from other scriptures that there is an inner nature to the kingdom of God, which is "righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost." (Romans 14:17)

Within is from entos and appears only twice in the Bible. The other place is Matthew 23:26 "[Thou] blind Pharisee, cleanse first that [which is] within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also"