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HE ABILITY for the apportation of any given item is usually limited by being able to see it, hold it, or have some live perception of it on the conventional plane. The act of apportation typically displaces whatever medium is transported into creating an audible sound of displaced air and a sudden gust of air when one arrives into close proximity. Clothing and personal items worn or carried are transported within the limits physical encumbrance, although some applications of apportation may not allow it.

The person implementing the apportation can transfer the environment surrounding himself into his new location and an equal volume of the environment in his new location to occupy the space now voided in his former location and visa versa, thus preventing the implosion of departure or the sudden rush of wind at his arrival. It also allows the apportation of certain aspects of the environment between environments. This works only on the apportation of air or even water or loose soil or sand, but cannot work on solid rock or other material equal to or more dense and contiguous than the body. Anything not meeting that criteria or that could not normally be held, moved or carried would not be apportationable. A conjectural manifestation arises as well in the determination of a hand held physical item being retrieved through the prospects of Astral Projection/Travel and one obtained within the existing context of the conventional plane. Both items could possibly be similar in physical charateristics and attributes, so either would not necessarily negate the possibility of the actual source nor prove which environment, one way or the other, it was originally obtained. Such a scenario can be compromised however, if a specific or known object or item is shown to be missing from its place of origin and proven to have been in the possession of a given individual through apportation.

An excelent example of the Apportation process is provided through an incident recorded involving the venerated Indian saint Vallalar (also known as Swami Ramalingam, 1828-1874) wherein one day, while in Madras, he, along with several devotees and disciples, were walking to Tiruvottiyur inorder to worship at the Ishwara temple. During the journey the Swami and his party got caught in an exceptionally heavy downpour, all in the group suffering much difficulty because of the sudden flooding and rushing water. The Swami showed them a shortcut and in an instant they reached Tiruvottiyur. T.V.G. Chetty, in the book Life of Swami Ramalingam, describes the incident as follows:

They had reached half the way to Tiruvottiyur. There was heavy rain. His followers began to run pell‑mell. But the Swami "rallied them all together and darted through some mysterious bye‑lane" and got the entire body in front of the temple in a second of time.

Chetty goes on to write:

The above incident seems to be a case of collective dematerialisation and materialisation, that is to say the Swami took them within his subtle‑physical body or possibly enveloped them in his environmental body which is its extension and reached the destination instantly and projected them out again. His devotees should have felt the whole process as going through a mysterious way and reaching the temple in an instant.

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Wizardry in the Alferic Tradition
Alferian Gwydion MacLir, M.A., Ph.D.