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Blast From the Past-Leonardo DaVinci

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Giuliano Cavallo

A Blast From The Past

William Barnes


Diego Manuel Rodriguez

A Blast From the Past-Leonardo Davinci

We've all seen the Mona Lisa, as well as probably a good many variations on it, used for humour, as well as advertising. In this issue, one of our feature artists has done his own rendition of the Mona Lisa, in a bright, abstract way. Another has painted Davinci himself. To start off our new, regular Blast From the Past feature, we decided to begin with one of the most famous painters, just to remind us of where painting has been.

Here are some basic facts about the man himself. I won't provide links, because there are many out there, depending on what you want to know about him, and how much.

-wrote left handed (rare in that time due to superstition forcing natural southpaws to use right hand) and backwards (from left to right -need a mirror to see properly)

-scientist-invented waterlift, helocopter, machine gun, thread cutter, catapult

-illustrative ability helped him put his ideas on paper, which can still be used to create perfect working models

-among the first to use depth and linear perspective to create realistic 3d images on 2d surface

-birthplace Anchiano, Italy, April 15, 1452, died May 2, 1519 in Amboise

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