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Giuliano Cavallo

A Blast From The Past

William Barnes


Diego Manuel Rodriguez


I believe that my artistic vision is driven more and more by the beauty I see every day in Nature offered by God’s creation (that is the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob).

Oils and acrylics are the mediums I like to use the most, so using them and some times mixing them I can capture timeless moments and create my own worlds.

Each painting has its own beauty and character that is revealed by color which is what you see all over in nature. Also in our busy and complicated world I want my paintings to be a moment of peace and tranquility to the people who come in contact with my work.


Born: Medellin - Colombia.

Resides: Greenwich, CT

Art Education: In 1997 for the first time I started taking painting and other art classes and workshops at direrent community colleges and other schools in New York and Connecticut but most of the time I have practiced a lot and learned on my own watching other artist's works in books and magazines. So I basically would say that I tough to myself most of what I paint this days.

I keep teaching myself as much as I can also to improve my painting ability, I am always wanting to improve my painting knowledge.

Favorite subject: Landscapes, Florals Still Life and I am still working on learning other subjects.

Galleries: working on it.

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