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Alex Levin

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Alex Levin

Blast From the Past-Michelangelo

Bryan Kemila

Mike Hovancsek

Mathias Trostdorf

Alex Levin

Born in 1975, Kiev, Ukraine. At the age of six started painting and at the age of twelve entered the Art Academy, which graduated with awards. Immigrated to Israel in 1990. Since 1992 has been studying with Professor Baruch Elron (Chairman of Israel Artist Association).

The main painting styles are Surrealism and Realism. Featuring a range of works in oil, acrylic, pencil, charcoal and tempera paints.

The majority of the paintings are displayed in private and institutional collection of Israel, Belgium, USA, Australia and Russia and have been reproduced on the covers of the books.

Practicing the original manner of 16th century technique, which happens to be multilayered use of tempera and oil (no brush strokes).

After serving 3 years in Israel Army, in 1997 entered the industrial and web design program which was a great benefit for my art work.

During a non work time involved in freelance work for private clients, small businesses, marketing and advertisement groups designing multi-media graphics & web sites.

Since 1990 live in Israel and working as a full time freelance artist.

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