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Submit to Artcouver Magazine

Submit YOUR art to Artcouver!

What We Will Accept

We will accept all forms of art including but not limited to stories, poems, paintings, sculptures, drawings, blown/lampworked/stained glass, performance art such as clown shows and music, festivals, gallery shows, interior decorating, film, animation. Most content is acceptable, including but not limited to erotic, religious, cultural, psychadelic, cute, nature, people, buildings, objects, monsters, mythological creatures. We are NOT an exclusive club, featuring only a few of our favourite artists. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Extremely contraband material may be accepted for a theme issue discussing limitations, censorship, and ethics. Although we will accept and display erotic artwork, this is not a porn site, and we will not display porn. The difference between art and pornography will be discussed over a period of time, since the line between seems to always change, depending on the times, as well as who draws the line.

How To Submit

There are a number of ways you can submit your artwork to be published in Artcouver Magazine.

By Email: You can send JPEG files (you pick the resolution - a higher resolution will look better, a lower resolution will load quicker) to:

By Post: You can send copies of your artwork to us at 92 Rainsford Road, Toronto, ON, M4L 3N9. If you send a self addressed, stamped envelope we can return those copies. We are not responsible for loss or damage that may occur.

In Person: You can get in touch with us by email or phone in order to meet in person. This is often the best option if you live in Toronto, and you do not have copies or photos of your artwork to send. This way, we can take a photo and save you the trouble!

We will ask for some information about yourself so that our viewers have some idea of who the artist is. Your name (an alias is fine) and contact information (we recommend email address over phone number, it's a little safer) as well as something about you as a person. You can send us your own press release, or we can do an interview. If you have a web site of your own, we can take information off there (with your permission) for the sake of convenience. If you wish to simply let the artwork speak for itself, that's fine, too. It's your exposure, and it's your choice, always.

Artcouver magazine will not make any attempt to take credit for your artwork, and everything is essentially your property. There are absolutely no strings attached. We can not, however, be responsible if somebody sends us artwork that is not theirs and takes credit for it. We hope this never happens. We ask that you yourself do not do this. It is against the law, as well as immoral.


If you are worried about somebody being able to download your artwork, needing never to purchase any, there are a number of things to keep in mind. As some artists have done already, you can make sure that your name, or some other obvious mark of ownership appears on the image itself. That way, if the image is downloaded, it still has the name on it. This makes it difficult for someone who wants to appreciate just the art, or claim it as their own, or sell the image in any way.

Any image appearing on the internet has the potential to be downloaded. The quality will be very poor compared to that of the original, or a proper print made from the original.