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C'est Moi's are interesting things. There is this interminable temptation to make others think that you are this incredible person who has done everything you've ever dreamed of doing, contains all of the qualities of people you admire, and is of course indeniably cool. But you can't do it. Well at least I can't (I know there are those who color themselves so much it would take weeks with a paint scraper to get it all off). Something about the anonymity of the web makes me want to be more truthful, not deceptive or false. After all, if someone doesn't like something they probably won't ever meet me so it doesn't really matter. There is a sort of sheild of protection over me here that doesn't exist "out there" (the everyday world). Having said that, I defer to the inevitable lists. Lists of things I like, don't like, want, dream of, have done, etc. Why lists? That's a whole other topic, but suffice it to say that they are a short, simple, and organized way to say what you want. So here I go:

LIKES: Reading books, hiking, singing, swimming, drama, tennis, coloring books, music, jokes, recycling, strawberry shortcake, movies, my family, laughing, helping, flowers, Arby's curly fries, being silly, church, friends, traveling, vegetables, thunder storms, children, swing dancing, museums, writing, sunbeams, and goldfish crackers.

DISLIKES: Sweet potatoes, inconsiderateness, math, saying goodbye, grape-flavored anything, dishonesty, stress, physics, steamed cabbage, violence, dry textbooks, negative attitudes, and semi-psycho ex-boyfriends.

AMBITIONS: To teach elementary school (or pre-school) in Alaska (and other places), to study abroad in England, to get as many scholarships as I can, to publish something, to tour Europe, to have a family of my own, to go into outer space, to perform in a University theatre production, to live on the east and west coasts, to take a trip in a hot air balloon, to try genuine sushi, to be in something with the muppets, and of course, to fly. (see above picture) :)

STRENGTHS: I adapt pretty well to new situations, don’t often hold grudges, am dedicated, try to be positive, and have a wacky sense of humor. Also history, reading, and music.

WEAKNESSES: Forgetfulness, procrastination, and math.


-have hiked to the top of Mt. Timpanogas

-have lived away from home for 2 ½ years

-have lived in 5 states

-have pulled off a B in two college math classes (and a C+ in a third)-Go Me!

-have both CPR and First Aid certification

-have been flying on airplanes since I was a wee little baby

-have swum in the pacific ocean (CA), and the atlantic ocean (ME & FL)

-have 2 brothers, 2 sisters, and a Mom and Dad