Yeah, I'm still around. Being a full time student, working part time, and getting your heart broken can keep one pretty busy. Hopefully though I'll find time to turn this website into what I originally hoped it would be, my very own space for writing and "me-ness". I wish I could write with the fluency and poetic prose that I admire so much in other writers. But it always seems like my writing is short, choppy, and not particularly witty. It's genuine though, and sincere, and that is really what I'm going for.

~Me 10/17/03 :o)

I like to write. Perhaps it's because I read so much I want to put down my own stories as well as those authors do. However, I don't think that I will ever be satistifed with what I write. I've been trying for a year now to get a certian story down on paper. I have what I think is a great idea, but whenever I try to start writing it all just sounds so cheesy and wrong, not at all like what I imagine it should. This story doesn't even have a title yet, I'll have to figure that out later, but suffice it to say that it will be a modern fairy tale, modeled after "Snow White". I have parts of the plot down in my mind, but I can't figure out what the ending should be and I know I need to develop my characters more. If anyone has any ideas or advice, please feel free to email me. (email address can be found on the main page) Someday soon I'll create a new page dedicated to this story only and then another page for my other writing. I guess I'm just trying to convey the inadequacy I feel when trying to create a good piece of writing. It's so frustrating! I'm thinking perhaps I'll never be able to write it well enough and I should find another more talented writer to write it instead. It would have to be someone who would be willing to work with me though, and not butcher my idea. This story will hopefully have it all; intrigue, romance, adventure, humor, action, etc. The setting is the present, in Las Vegas, and the main character is Carly White. It's about (or will be when it gets written) her life as a college student while she gets caught up in the lives of her parents and step-parents, works as a lounge singer in downtown Vegas, and accidently witnesses a murder commited by a member of the Vegas mafia. After that it's a whirlwind of crime and FBI detectives as she gets placed in the witness protection program and is hunted by the ganster family of the mob boss she helped put in jail. Well, what do you think? I think it's great. Doesn't much sound like Snow White? Well, it's not ment to exactly, but it will have all the elements of that story, only in a different way. For example;

-the Wicked Queen = Carly's new stepmother Chartreuse Wickham

-Prince Charming = a handsome FBI junior detective

-the Magic Mirror = Chartreuse's daughter Bernadette

-the Poisoned Apple = perhaps a bomb in an Apple computer, but I really haven't decided yet (any ideas? -email me)

-the Hunter sent to kill Snow White = possible a member of the mafia

-the Seven Dwarfs = an array of interesting circus people Carly meets while in the witness protection program

So that's the gist of it anyway. Maybe with a little help from some writing books I will be able to get this story onto paper! :)

~Me 5/20/03

My goodness, the computer lab I'm using right now is under construction and so it's divided in half with the computers on one side with this white plastic tarp thing down the middle and the construction workers on the other side. It's kind of annoying because they are really loud and it's hard to concentrate when people are building what must be the equivilent to a small city right next to your ear; just lots of pounding and sawing punctuated with the occasional cough, sneeze, curse, or yes even hi-ya! I think they forget that we can hear everything they say. They sure sound like they're having a great 'ol time! lol Ok this is random, (but this is called Random Ramblings....)

-Me 5/15/03 :D

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