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和 上一張大碟 Filigree & Shadow 的長度相若,This Mortal Coil 的最後一張大碟 Blood ,來得更完整,概念更清晰、明確。

Blood was the last album of This Mortal Coil. Compare with Filigree & Shadow. Blood also has abut 75mins, but it got a clear concept and a completed picture.

Blood 大致分為兩部份,第一部由大碟第一首歌 The Lacemarker 到第十一首歌 Several Times。第二部由第十二首歌 The Lacemarker II 大碟的最後的 (Nothing But) Blood 。無論如何,我還是建議你以一次不斷的聆聽方式來欣賞所有 This Mortal Coil 的唱片。

The albums was likely divided into 2 parts. The first part, from the first track, The Lacemarker to the eleventh track, Several Times. The second part, from the twelfth track, The Lacemarker II, to the last track, (Nothing But) Blood. Anywayz, I advise you listen to the album completely through one time, and also do that to the rests of This Mortal Coil's album.

以哀慟、軟柔的弦樂組成的 The Lacemarker 為 Blood 揭開序幕,相信不難使你落淚。接著來的 You And Your Sister 和 Mr. Somewhere 圴以 acoustic 的樂器,如提琴、鋼琴、木結他配合甜美的女聲,可謂天使之音的原聲演繹。

You must be amazed by the beautiful, sadness strings in the first track. The Lacemarker. That's how music makes you tear. You And Your Sister and Mr. Somewhere both are comfortable acoustic pieces, sweet female voices, volins, the cello, the paino and acoustic guitars.

I Come And Stand At Every Door 是一首來至 The Byrds 在六十年中期的美式 Folk Rock 歌曲,經過 This Mortal Coil 的鑿斧,變得更淒怨動人。大碟第一部份高潮來自 Bitter,爆裂的結他獨奏與幽雅的弦樂背景水乳交融的合奏。

I Come And Stand At Every Door was a song by an American Folk Rock band, The Byrds. This cover version was played much sadness. The tensest moment in the part one of Blood was, Bitter, while the guitar solo with beautiful strings.

大碟的第二部份由一枝 distorted 結他重奏 Lacemaker 的弦樂主題,名為 Lacemaker II,一派概念大碟的篇排。接著是翻玩前 Pink Floyd 的第一代靈魂人物 Syd Barrett 個人作 Late Night,減退原曲的迷幻味,取而代之的是This Mortal Coil一貫淒滄。Ruddy And Wretched 是一首精彩的演奏曲,兩枝結他如鬼魅的噪音效果,剌激非常。下一首 Help Me Life Up 郤是一首柔和的曲子,與 Ruddy And Wretched 成了一個顯見的對比。

The second part of the album started with the distorted guitar that played the theme of Lacemaker as Lacemaker II. Then it's Syd Barrett's classic psychedelic folk, Late Night. After that was Ruddy And Wretched, on groovy rythum, two guitars produced some ghost-like screaming noise. The next just turned back to be a soften piece, Help Me Life Up, became a sightly opposition.

I Am The Cosmos 是典型的 rock song,但與大碟整體還是配合的。最後一首 (Nothing But) Blood,由一遍神秘的女聲誦唱,當你迷失其中的時候已發覺音樂突然完結。

I Am The Cosmos was a standard rock song, keyboard and distorted guitars, but you could listen, it's also in the mood with the album. The last song, (Nothing But) Blood was a synthphnic female chanthing which suddenly ended, it's also the end of Blood.

得到兩次經驗,Ivo 最終都能成功付予 This Mortal Coil 一個接近完美的結局。再次,它完結在淚水中。

Ivo did a very great work at the end of This Mortal Coil. Blood gave a completed and standard sound of 4AD and aesthetic music, an experienced with everlasting beauty, inflintive sadness and it came to recall all your losting dreams.

And again, it'll end in tears.

by blux


Last Modified: 30-3-2001