August 5, 2004 To Anyone with Behcet's who is Considering using Bovine: I've been meaning to write this for a long time now, but sometimes we need to be reminded of how life was before we can talk about how much better life is. So here I sit: tired, even though I got up at 10am and I've already taken one nap today. Making lunch was such an effort that I fell asleep while it was cooking. (Praise God I didn't burn the house down!) I have a canker sore that's making my teeth hurt and has been there for a week. Several of my joints hurt, particularly my right elbow, though a bit ago it was my left wrist. And to top it all off I have gas, which not only makes me feel bloated and is uncomfortable, but also limits the time I want to spend with people. Sound at all familiar? I'm remembering that life used to often be like this. Every couple days I'd have stomach problems: constipation, diarrhea, gas. I had canker sores all the time. My joints would hurt. Sometimes I would sleep almost wherever I sat down. I found ways to get around it. Sort of. I ate at least one apple a day to help regulate my digestion, things like that. It was nothing I couldn't survive. And then my mom found out about bovine and we decided to try it and…well…it certainly seems to have changed my life. I no longer have any more gas than the normal person, though I still like apples. My digestion works like it's supposed to. Last summer around this time my elbow hurt so badly I had it in a sling; this year I haven't had any significant problems. I have much more energy. I took a full load at university last semester and was fine. I feel so good I sometimes forget I'm not a normal healthy person! So how did I get into the situation I'm in now? If bovine is so great, why am I in a bad way today? Well, that's one of the things that most convinces me that bovine is making a difference: whenever I forget to take it, my symptoms come back. A week ago today I accidentally left my bovine-measuring-syringe at my parents' house. I was fine for a couple of days, except that this canker sore wouldn't heal. Then I started getting gas, and pretty soon my other symptoms were creeping back.. This happens any time I forget the bovine for more than a day or two. By which I mean to say that bovine is not a cure. I still have Behçets, and even when I'm "bovined" I still have some isolated symptoms. But my day to day quality of life is much, much better. I just got my bovine-measuring-syringe in the mail from my mother, and I'm going to go take my dose for the day. I bet my canker sore is gone tomorrow. Austin Kleber Age 21 Lisbon, Portugal P.S. It's gone. (August 6, 2004)