July 1, 2004 Dear Dr. Joe Cummings: Thank you again for your dedicated research and production of the Bovine Extract. It has made a profound difference in the daily life of my two children, both of whom have Behçet's Disease. My son, Drex, is 8 years old. Most of the time, he is a happy little athlete. And yet, since infancy, his health has been continually interrupted by a string of unusual problems: recurrent spiking fevers, myriad rashes and "spider bites", vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea, debilitating knee pains, headaches, cyclic fatigue cycles, blood poisoning, a mouthful of excruciating ulcers, etc. Before he was four years old, he had a medical chart full of chest x-rays, ER visits, renal and abdominal ultrasounds, neurology referrals, and a negative Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis test. Upon learning about Behçet's (via a diagnosis given to our daughter Austin when she was 19 years old), the pieces of Drex's medical puzzle all fell into place. In January 2004, Austin decided to start using the Bovine Extract to control her Behçet's. (She is writing to you separately about her experiences.) Within a month of starting the Bovine she was begging us to start her brother on it, too. At that time, other than being in a fatigue cycle, Drex was doing OK. His average month would include 2-3 small mouth ulcers, a couple of headaches, leg "bruises", knee/foot pains and near-daily stomach cramps. There was nothing that was keeping him from school nor prompting any doctor visits so, all in all, we felt that he was doing quite well, especially considering his past problems. Mostly to appease his insistent sister, we started Drex on the Bovine on February 29, 2004. His fatigue cycle cleared up within a week. His stomach aches and head aches left and are still gone. As long as we keep his dosage at the right level, the bruise-type marks on his legs disappear, as do his joint pains. It's the same with his mouth ulcers: he has only had one (1) since he started taking the Bovine four months ago. It's amazing. Regarding dosages, it was a struggle finding the right level for Drex, mostly because I assumed he would need less than his adult sister. At this point though, it appears that he regularly needs more than she does: usually two .5ml doses per day, one in the morning, one at night. Drex loves the taste, so the more the better as far as he is concerned. However, if I had not seen the Bovine working so effectively for his sister I definitely would have given up on it for Drex. I hope you will encourage people to stick with the Bovine until they find something that works for them. I'm so glad we kept trying, and I owe that tenacity to our daughter who would not let me quit. Joe, we had all grown so accustomed to Drex's ongoing problems that it has been a bit of a shock to see them disappear like this. His day-to-day life is no longer punctuated with aches and pains. Yes, Drex still has Behçet's and an afternoon of extreme physical stress will fill the next day with stomach cramps and diarrhea. Yes, I know that he may have another major flare someday… though I pray against it. For now though, after four months, I can say with confidence that his daily problems are under control. We owe Drex's improvement to you, Joe. You and the Bovine are an answer to many, many prayers lifted up for our children by friends and family around the world. I will never be able to adequately express our gratitude… and so please accept this letter as a token of our respect and thanks. May God bless you and yours as richly as you have blessed my children. Warmest regards, Deb Kleber Braga, Portugal