November 10, 2000 Dr. Joe Cummins Shady Nook Farms P.O. Box 34433 Amarillo, TX 79120-4433 Dear Dr. Cummins, I wanted to write to you to inform you of our progress while using your bovine extract as a treatment for our Behcet's Disease (BD). As you know, both my sons and I have struggled with BD since birth. Both have done extremely well using your bovine extract. Aaron has eliminated all of his BD symptoms including skin lesions, joint pain, spontaneous bloody noses, headaches, and oral ulcers. Being a karate instructor, the joint pain had threatened his career but Aaron is now confident that he will be able to continue in his chosen field. Lee has also eliminated all of his BD symptoms including skin lesions, joint pain, muscle aches, and oral ulcers. His asthma has also been reduced to the point that he has not had any other attacks other than one time while running a 5K race in the sleet and cold. He is also enjoying many strenuous activities without problems for the first time in his life. As you know, I had already used the low dose oral interferon alpha lozenges to stop the progression of my BD with great success. Since my sons did so well on the bovine extract, as a test I also switched to the bovine extract for a period of time. I could not tell the difference! They both work beautifully. I have also made the discovery that if I accidentally experience a strong exposure to chemicals or other triggers that previously would have put me in the hospital with a severe BD flare, I can simply take a dose of the bovine extract between my doses of the oral interferon and my body will recuperate within hours instead of weeks or months. My doctor even wrote a letter to present to my new insurance company to inform them that I no longer suffer from the effects of BD. I hope to see the bovine extract sold commercially very soon. I feel it will save an untold number of lives and increase the quality of life for innumerable people. Thank you for your dedication to this field of development. I feel your product has stopped the progression of this disease for all three of us in our family and gives my sons hope that they will now feel free to have children of their own without the fear of passing on an untreatable disease. You have touched our lives many ways every single day and we want you to know how much we appreciate it. With warmest regards, Dorothy J. Tutt 2017 Lovell Road Knoxville, TN 37932 865/539-2767 (H) 865/539-9977 (W)