Sunday, December 22, 2002 Bryon Neil Brown KY Certified Fire Fighter KY Certified EMT First Responder Dr. Joe Cummins Shady Nook Farms P.O. Box 34433 Amarillo, TX 79120-4433 Dear Dr. Cummins; I have to say I am very impressed with the results that I have experienced using your new Bovine Extract. Until now, the only relief I received from my Behcet's Disease symptoms was by taking a prescription called Colchicine. Colchicine never did make the symptoms disappear, it only made the symptoms slightly more livable. On Colchicine, I continued to have oral ulcers and skin ulcers on a weekly basis, some taking as long as a month to heal. I took my first dose of Bovine (Cow Power) on November 10, 2002 at 5:00 PM. I have not had an oral ulcer or skin ulcer since November 11th and that ulcer went away very quickly. The morning of the 11th, I awoke to a large ulcer forming in my mouth. The next day the ulcer had already gone into the healing stage. My ulcers usually hurt for 2 weeks. To my amazement, the ulcer skipped that long painful stage entirely and was completely healed in about a WEEK. Never have I had an ulcer heal that quickly. I have taken the Bovine extract once a day continually since and I have yet to have an ulcer appear anywhere. I am doing one oral dispenser of Bovine every morning as well as my Colchicine. With my Behcet's Disease, I also get swollen achy joints, and horrible stomach and gut pain. Since starting cow power, the pain from both of these has lessened in both the severity and duration. The stomach flares have gone from 1-2 weeks in length to only a couple of days. My energy levels have greatly improved. My general mood has improved so much that my wife calls my daily dose of Bovine the miracle cure, and hounds me till I take it. (while having a flare I can be quite an Ogre:-) Since I have started using the Bovine she thinks I am a different person. I have to agree. I have not felt this good in quite a while. My appetite has also skyrocketed. I can not seem to eat enough. Of course before, I always had an ulcer that made it difficult to eat. When I started this Bovine Extract, I would not allow my myself to hope for a successful treatment for my BD symptoms. I did not think anything would help, but this has. Thank you for improving my quality of life. Sincerely, Byron Neil Brown