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Bealla's bobbypins homepage of McNast

I'm listenening to

Cou cou tous. Whether by mistake or by design you've reached the homepage of one Matthew Simon Beall. I make beats so you can listen...they're marked below as songs. Get to downloading those, it'll make you regular. There's also a message board where you can drop a kind word (or unkind; it's your world). I'm trying to get a picture page up for exposition of past and future adventures. For every sixty seconds you spend unhappy, you waste a minute of happiness.

Songs and Web Sites

Ionik Record's Web Site-Support any and all independant musicians...including, but not limited to, Bealla's Bobbypins.
the old site...on marche en arrière
--->Message Board<---
Review from
its me on a london train...what will I say??
Photos of my European adventures
