Thursday, December 21, 2000
<6:19 AM> It's unbelievable the number of people who pick their nose while driving! Yesterday, during my 30 minute commute from home to work, I spotted no less than 4 people picking away.
Sunday, December 10, 2000
<7:26 AM> What's your opinion of sock suspenders?

I've always had mixed feelings towards them, but I'm thinking of getting a pair. My socks never stay up, they inevitably bunch up at my ankles. It drives me crazy!

<7:09 AM> I just wanted to take a moment to give praise to the automatic flusher.

I was always of the belief that only women were pamperred in their restrooms - with couches and other comforts that men will never enjoy.

Last night, as I was peeing at an urinal it occurred to me that the aforementioned automatic urinal flusher is a luxury most women will never have the pleasure of experiencing.

Friday, December 08, 2000
<6:19 AM> Walking down the hallway of my apartment building around supper hour is like walking through a really bad food court. The smell is awful! Just what are my neighbors cooking?

Goat Testicle Stew or Crabby Bull Balls, maybe!

Wednesday, December 06, 2000
<7:42 AM> Song I woke up to this morning - "Blonde & Blue" by The Headstones.
Monday, December 04, 2000
<7:35 AM> So, I was watching this show about anal sex on the Discovery Channel, and found out some interesting information and I learned a new word, sphincter.

As interesting as the show was, anal loving is still not for me!

Saturday, December 02, 2000
<8:20 AM> I got the urge to shave with my eyes closed, this morning. I did a decent job, considering it was my first time. I missed a few spots and nicked myself in a few places. All in all, I'm happy with the results.

Oh, and the girls that live down the hall from me are sluts!

<7:35 AM> The other day, a co-worker comes up to me and asks if I would make a $20 donation. This being the Holiday Season I hardly gave it any thought and whipped out my wallet. Almost as an after thought, I asked him what the cause was, before handing over the bill. He told me it was to pay for his trip to Australia to participate in some kind of tournament.

This guy wanted me to bankroll his trip to Australia!?!?!

I couldn't believe it. I haven't been out of this fucking city in 2 years and this guy thinks I'm going to pay for his trip to Australia - I don't think so. The nerve of some people!

After he told me this I put the 20 back in my pocket, started laughing and walked away. I hope I didn't offend him.

<7:19 AM> Harvey's no longer offers the wide selection of side orders with their Combos. It used to be that their combo was a burger and any 2 of the following: fries, onion rings, soup, salad or a drink. Now it's only fries and a drink - no choice.

It's a little disappointing, as my companion and I had a system - she would order fries and a drink, I would get fries (sometimes a salad) and rings - and we would have some variety.

At least you can still choose your toppings!


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