Metaspy is great.

Just a little disclaimer in case you don't know what metaspy is... it is this nifty little thing that lets you see what other people are searching for at any given moment. I realize this service has been available since like the dark ages of the internet, but I never bothered to try it. Well...turns out that the majority of search engine users are stupid. In a very recent study, which involved me letting Metaspy Exposed refresh itself two or three dozen times, I have reached the conclusion that people are either stupid or have really strange (or downright disturbing) tastes; and usually both. Here, in no particular order, are a few queries people have typed up in the last 10 minutes or so. I hope this is as educational for you as it was for me.

career what does a aerospace engineer do?
not only do search typically not respond to actual questions; i have never seen one that started with the word 'career'.. oh, and "a aerospace" i hope you need this for your grade one homework; otherwise, i'm afraid we're going to have to send you back a grade.

sad i miss you poems
awww. just can't find the right words, huh?

guide dogs a
guide dogs b, guide dogs c, guide dogs d...
you get the idiot of the year award, for at least two very obvious reasons.

scientific properties of custard

how to cyber
oh sweet jesus.

get sword. go north. use sword. get flask. etc.

care to expand on that?

free dbz porn
and i've been paying for it all these months

comb over
face it, you're bald

bookworm bitches
for when the library is closed

american idol sucks
yes, yes it does.

random words
the internet is full of them. poop boobies thermos hello soup cheese dog helicopter pee fart.

butt crack

how many children does gary payton have?
again with the questions.

pictures of homeless people
now this guy is on to something.

help what is sap
help where is punctuation .. also where is ask jeeves when you need him?

how to dress emo
no luck finding those "sad i miss you poems", eh?

(visit or visiter) and "ho chi minh" or saigon or sã igã²n or saã¯gon or hcm or "sã i gã²n" or "sai gon" or "há»? chã­ minh" or "thã nh phá»? bã¡c" or hochiminh or "thanh pho bac" or "thanh pho bac" or "hon ngoc vien dong" or "hã²n ngá»?c viá»?n ä?ã´ng"
well, when you find it i'm sure you'll fit right in


gallbladder cancer pictures
for the man who has everything

low hanging balls
not as bad as the last guy, but jesus god..

would you confront someone you knew had an extramarital affair?
probably not.

angry people pics
now angry homeless people; there's a good idea.

the web
you're on it.

I may add more to this later, but probably not.