Don't you just love the Internet? Thanks to Google's sub-section, several biographies about Buster Keaton (as well as Keaton's autobiography) are available -- in abbreviated or complete form -- for free on-line reading. Just click on the individual titles to take you to the Google link to these readings.

My Wonderful World of Slapstick, by Buster Keaton and Charles Samuels. DaCapo Press, 1960. (Buster Keaton's autobiography.)

The Comic Mind: Comedy and the Movies, by Gerald Mast. The Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc., 1979. (A book about movie comedy in general, but its section about Keaton's movies is very incisive.)

Buster Keaton: Cut to the Chase, by Marion Meade. HarperCollins, 1995.

The Theater and Cinema of Buster Keaton, by Robert Knopf. Princeton University Press, 1999.

Buster Keaton: Tempest in a Flat Hat, by Edward McPherson. Newmarket Press, 2005.

Buster Keaton: Interviews, edited by Kevin W. Sweeney. University Press of Mississippi, 2007.

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