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1.Name: John Sanche

2.Birthdate: Feb. 10, 1917 ;->

3.Age: 86 ;->

4.Hometown: Saskatoon

5.What instrument(s) do you play? Bass (long ago I used to play trumpet as well, and even longer ago I played piano)

6.How long have you been playing? 14 or 15 years

7.Why did you start playing music? I liked it. At the time I don't think I had any ideas about doing it for a living. It was just something I got a kick out of.

8.Who are your favourite bands/artists? My tastes are all over the map. Some of my fav's are: Radiohead, U2, The Beatles, Cake, Matchbox 20, Dave Matthews, No Doubt, Sheryl Crow, Zuckerbaby

9.First concert you ever went to: I think it was "Crowded House"

10.Best thing about being in Butterfinger: Playing our music for a big crowd and seeing people dancing and singing the words.

11.Favourite Butterfinger song: It depends on the day. Sometimes it's "Better Man", sometimes it's "Good As Gold"

12.Coolest experience being with Butterfinger: I can't nail it down to one thing. I think it's just the constant adventure of being around the boys and doin' our thing. It's a lot of work and it's not always fun, but there aren't a lot of dull moments.

13.If you could spend one day with someone dead or alive, who would it be and why? Richard Feynman. He died a few years ago. He won the Nobel Prize in physics and made discoveries of the same magnitude as physicists such as Einstein. I've read a couple of books of anecdotes of his and it's clear that he was an extremely creative, curious and mischievous person as well as being brilliant. OK, I'm a geek...

14.Where do you see yourself in ten years? I have no idea.

15. Who is the musician you would most like to collaborate with in the future? I think it would be cool to get to work with Sheryl Crow. She writes very cool songs and she's an amazing singer.

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