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oct 4, 2003
long time no update! sorry about that! i updated a few little things around the site. hopefully there will be some pictures up soon from western canadian music check back for those!

july 21, 2003
pictures!!!!!! that's right, pictures from the kerrobert show are now up! more flatland pics to come soon!

july 20, 2003
hey! just a quick note, the show the guys played at Kerrobert's Party in The Pasture was awesome! there should be pictures from that soon hopefully! survey from Tyler to come soon..

july 15, 2003
new survey from dean filled out, link can be found on the bio page. there is also some more pictures up, more to come soon! so check back for them!

july 10, 2003
there's a survey filled out by darcy up on the band page now as well. remember to sign the guestbook. :)

july 10, 2003
there's a new survey filled out by john up on the band page, go check it out! hopefully we'll have some from the other guys sometime soon. lots of love to john for sending that back so quickly. you rock. :)

july 7, 2003
new layout up. hope everyone likes it. applause for manderz for the layout. :) snaps for binks for "supervising". pictures from flatland should be coming soon. finally we will have more than one of our own. :)

june 11, 2003
i am officially the worst "updater of news" person ever! darcy reminded me that i forgot to mention that he is the newest member of the band! welcome darcy, thank you for signing the guestbook. and i give you full permission to kick my butt for forgetting ;)

june 9, 2003
wow! it has been a looong time since the last update! sorry about that! not much news to add, but the official site has a new look so be sure to check it out!

february 8, 2003
added some more radio stations to the request page! phone and request butterfinger!

january 24, 2003
we added another show date as well as there is now a rock remix for "fall" be sure to check it out!

january 4, 2002
we've spent the last couple of days fixing up everything and checking it all over, so hopefully we've gotten all the mistakes. if you find an error, or have any comments, questions, or contributions, please sign the guestbook or [email us]. we will especially love you if you have pictures to send in, because we seem to be lacking in that area. ;)

december 31, 2002
site is finally up!

the band
contact info
about us