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A Hermetic Disorder of Eris Discordia

(Under DeStruction)
being comprised of decadents, aesthetics, deviants, lurkers in shadows, wearers of black, eaters of cheese, eccentrics, romantics, goth folk, manic depressives, melancholics, occultists, and otherwise Fnords.

Illgloominated Initiates

^v^ ^v^

Lady Pretentious Medievalname, The Comtesse LaBotomie, Mistress of Generally Spooky Stuff K.S.C.

Lady Eep-Eep, Queen of The Fanged Monkeys

RabidChild, Who Often Gets The Palsy As Well

^v^ ^v^

Concerning The Blue Bunny

Blue Bunny is, aside from Eris, the CabalOGSS's second most revered patron deity. We came to Blue Bunny in the early 1990's. Lady Eep-Eep and I (Comtesse Labotomie) had a spiritual epiphany whilst gazing at the logo of Blue Bunny™ dairy snacks. Be it divine intervention or clever marketing tactics, we have henceforth devoted ourselves to The Bunny.

Our patron deity may not strike many as being a suitable object of worship for a bunch of spooky kids...even perkygoths. But yea verily, is not the clean-cut unassuming Jon Doe always turning out to be the cannibal serial killer? Besides, goats and H.P. Lovecraft characters are a bit overdone.

The Blue Bunny is gother than your mom.

More Sundries & Oddities from The Cabal of Generally Spooky Stuff
(more coming or later)

fnords have taken a turn about the room.

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