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This Layout was designed by Dwayne Jackson and coding was done by Dwayne Jackson layout is only for the handler of Christopher Daniels. Dwayne Jackson Discliamer.

HaRdCoRe ChAmPiOnShIp Match
Aj Styles
Hardcore Championship 
= Backlash

\\ Win 00 \\ Lost 01 \\ Drawn 00

None As Of Yet 

Lost to
Johnny Nitro[x1] 

Angels Wings
Aj Styles [x1]?

Career Accomplishments

RolePlay Count

Superstar: Christopher Daniels
Alias: The Fallen Angel
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 210 pounds
Finishing Move: Angels Wings, Last Rites, BME (Best Moonsault Ever)
HomeTown: The City Of Angels

None A Of Yet

Scene: One
Title: Fabulous One
Time: 12:01pm
Location: Hotel

The scene opens in one of the many Hotels in downtown Cleveland where several of the WWA superstars are staying. The elevator doors open and Michael Shane, Frankie Kazarian and Traci Brooks walk out, walking over to the front desk the ring the little bell and wait for assistance.

..:: Desk Assistant ::.. “Yes sir, How may I help you?”

..:: Michael Shane ::.. “Room 210 and 11 to checkout.”

..:: Desk Assistant ::.. “Of course, just one moment and I’ll get your bill...There you are sir. I trust everything was to your liking?”

..:: Michael Shane ::.. “Yeah everything was fine...Wait what’s this?”

..:: Desk Assistant ::.. “That sir, That’s the pay per view films from room 211 sir.”

..:: Michael Shane ::.. “Jesus Frankie I thought we spoke about you watching those movies!”

..:: Frankie Kazarian ::.. “Come on man don’t start busting my balls over this again, a guy gets lonely sometimes and it’s better than listening you two’s headboard banging against the wall all night.”

..:: Michael Shane ::.. “Alright dude but this is the last time I’m paying for your movies, so please get yourself a girl...and soon.”

..:: Frankie Kazarian ::.. “Yeah yeah, Hey man isn’t that Lana Star sat over there? You know Michael I just might take your advice.”

As Michael and Traci deal with the bill Frankie walks over to where Lana is sat making slight adjustments to her hair in a small mirror.

..:: Frankie Kazarian ::.. “Well if it ain’t ‘The Fabulous One’ Lana Star... ”

Lana looks up at Frankie a little upset that someone would dare interrupt her time in front of her mirror.

..:: Lana Star ::.. “And you are...oh I know your a big fan and you want my autograph or maybe you want a photo with me.”

..:: Frankie Kazarian ::.. “Ah not quite. I’m Frankie Kazarian, Frankie ‘The Future’ Kazarian that is.”

..:: Lana Star ::.. “The future huh, the future of what exactly? ”

..:: Frankie Kazarian ::.. “The future of wrestling of course.”

..:: Lana Star ::.. “Oh...of course, now is there anything you want cause I’m kinda busy here.”

..:: Frankie Kazarian ::.. “I just saw you sat here all alone and thought I’d come on over and offer you the opportunity of a life time.”

..:: Lana Star ::.. “Oh yeah and just what might that be?”

..:: Frankie Kazarian ::.. “Well Ms. Star tonight when my tag partner Michael Shane and I become the number one contenders to the WWA tag-team championships we’re planning on having a little celebration but what I’m suggesting is that instead of me being the third wheel to their celebration you and I could go somewhere and have are own little private party, Some Music and little drink and maybe....”

Frankie leans in and whispers something in Lana’s ear, When he’s done whispering he stands back on a vertical base, Lana gets up to her feet as a cocky smirk appears on Kazarian’s face but it’s soon gone when Lana lands a hard slap across his face. The hotel lobby plunges into quietness as guests and hotel staff look on in shock as to what has just occurred. Frankie walks back over to Shane and Traci who are waiting for him as Lana begins to shout at him.


..:: Michael Shane ::.. “You sure got a way with the ladies. Damn man I think that slap gonna leave a mark dude.”

..:: Frankie Kazarian ::.. “The chick’s in denial man...Trust me she digs me. I can see it in her eyes.”

Frankie rubs his sore cheek as they get into their rental car and the get ready to make their way to the area.

Scene: Two
Title: Interview / Rico
Time: 4:37pm
Location: Backstage

The scene open up in the backstage area of the arena where Shzarian and Traci are on their way to the team’s dressing room when and interviewer comes up to them with a microphone in his hand.

..:: Interviewer ::.. “Excuse me guys can I get a moment of your time to ask you a few questions? ”

..:: Michael Shane ::.. “Sure man, go ahead and ask your questions”

..:: Interviewer ::.. “Alright, thank you. Now first off Last week the two of you took part in a six man tag match in which you teamed up with Shawn Michaels to take on The Wolfpack. But due to certain actions the final decision was a no contest finish...”

..:: Michael Shane ::.. “I think everyone knew that match was going to be a hazardous one. When you put six men in the same ring at the same time that hate each other with the intensity that we do it’s going to become a scrap. It just happened a lot sooner than I think anyone thought it would. I and im sure everyone else wanted to see someone hand the nWo another loss but I guess the six of us just couldn’t contain ourselves in the match any longer than we already had. But that was last week we’re looking into the future, that future being Shazarian as the WWA world tag team champions.”

..:: Interviewer ::.. “Ah but first you must win your match tonight against not just one team but two, Billy & Chuck and Mr. Kennedy & Christian. What are your thoughts on these two teams? ”

..:: Frankie Kazarian ::.. “Check it Michael since I found out about this match I’ve been practising something for the past couple of days. And I think I’ve mastered the one piece of in ring talent that Ken has actually got (Clears his throat) Mmmmmisteeeeeeeerrrr Kennedyyyyyyy! ................KEN-NE-DYYYY! What I’m trying to say is that the Kennedy half of the Christian, Kennedy combination is going to be a breez. I mean what’s he acomplished in his career, The guy had been on the SmackDown for little under a year before comming here to WWA and the only thing he’s got under his belt is being the only superstar I know of to do his own ring announment. As far as the other half of the combination we all know that Christian is a pioneer in tag team wrestling. The guy is a nine time tag team champion, but then again I think everyone knows that racked up seven of those nine most title reigns when Edge was carrying the team. There’s no doubt that he’s also a gifted singles competitor he is after all a former TNA World Heavyweight Championship. But heavyweight championship or not he’s not going to get in our way of becoming WWA tag team champions and delivering another blow to the nWo Wolpack and nor will Mr. Kennedy.”

..:: Interviewer ::.. “ And what about the second team of Billy and Chuck?”

..:: Michael Shane ::.. “Billy and Chuck well what can you say about Billy and Chuck accept that they may just be the queerest tag team to step into the squared circle since WCW’s West Hollywood Blondes back in 1999. There’s a no denying their a successful tag team having captured the WWE world tag championships on two separate occasions but their success ends there here in World Wrestling Alliance their nothing but Lana Star’s little bitches. Karzarian and myself first teamed together back into mid 2004 and although we weren’t a successful team back then things have changed and changed for the better. We know each other inside and out we know what each is thinking before we think it. And that comes from being competitors and partners in that ring so if it’s either Kennedy and Christian or Billy and Chuck neither of them can match the experince we have together in the ring and tonight when we hit the ‘Modern Art’ on any of the four men the outcome will be the same, a count of three and Shazarian as your number one contenders to the world tag team championships. ”

..:: Interviewer ::.. “Thank you guys, I won’t take up anymore of your time”

The three of them walk off down the corridor talking among themselves but are soon stopped by Lana Star’s stylist Rico.

..:: Rico ::.. “Ah just the two delinquents I’ve been looking for, Mr. Star told me what you said Mr. Kazarian. How very dear you soil that beautiful princess’s ears with such a disgusting suggestion. She was quite upset when she arrived at the arena earlier today and do you have any idea just how long it took me to clam her down. I can’t have her getting stressed out like that I mean for heaven sakes stress causes wrinkles people...hellllloooo. I hope your ready for the savage beating her two studs Billy and Chuck are going to give you, that’s right Mr’s she telling them right now what Frankie said to her and I for one am looking forward to watching Billy and Chuck beat you down. Oh and sweetie did you get dressed in the dark this morning, good lord I don’t even know where to begin.”

Rico walks off muttering to himself leaving them alone as the scene fades out.
..:: Michael Shane ::.. “Who or what was that....?

Scene: Three
Title: A message
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Backstage

With only a couple of hours to go before Velocity goes on air the scene opens backstage in what appears to the canteen area of the Quick Loans arena. Where Kazarian’s manger Traci Books is sat alone at one of the many tables having a bite to eat. She’s soon interrupted when the WWA tag-team champions come walking up behind her, they stand on each side of her. She looks at Konnan on her left and then to Stamboli on her right with a look of concern as they take a seat next to her on each side.

..:: Konnan ::.. “Relax chica, we’re not here to hassle you.”

..:: Stamboli ::.. “Yeah that ain’t are style. We’re just here to simply give you a little message for your little boyfriend Michael Shane and his punk friend Kazarian.”

..:: Konnan ::.. “Just you tell those two pringaos that The Pack still haven’t forgot what they did at Backlash and that they best hope they don’t win their match tonight. Cause if they do, when ever they step into the ring with us we’re gonna finish what we started last week and their going to get a beat down they ain’t never going to forget at the hands of the n...W...o. Now don’t forget to give them that message, k? ”

..:: Traci Brooks ::.. “OK...OK! But please just leave me alone...”

..:: Konnan ::.. “Just one more thing baby, Why don’t kick that pinga to the curb and get with a real man. Konnan knows how to show a woman a good time.”

..:: Traci Brooks ::.. “I’m not interested...please just go away!”

..:: Konnan ::.. “Vaya al diablo!”

..:: Stamboli ::.. “Bagascia!”

The two intimidating men get up from the table and walk away leaving Traci by herself. With a sigh she waits for them to go out of site before quickly leaving the canteen and heading back to the safety of the team dressing room to be with Shane & Kazarian. In the dressing room they guys are just getting done changing for their match as Traci bursts into the room looking rather upset.

..:: Michael Shane ::.. “BABY you made me jump. Traci...what is it?”

..:: Traci Brooks ::.. “Konnan and Stamboli, they came up to me in the canteen and....”

..:: Michael Shane ::.. “Did those sons of bitches touch you?”

..:: Traci Brooks ::.. “No but they wanted to me to give you a message. They said that you better not win your match tonight because if you do and you step into the ring with them for their titles their going to finish what started last week on velocity.”

..:: Michael Shane ::.. “Man I’ve had enough of the way The Wolfpack go about doing their business. They got a problem wit us then come see us and we can settle things like men, but when two grown men try to intimidate a woman that just shows them for the cowards they are.”

..:: Frankie Kazarian ::.. “Come on Shane your falling into their trap. They’re just trying to get into your head before our match by using Traci to deliver their little message. They know after our match tonight that we’re going to be the number one contenders to their titles and those two can’t hang with us in the ring. At backlash we cost them the Intercontinental title and when we’re number one contenders we get the opportunity to deliver yet another blow to them by taking the tag team belts away from them. Now concentrate on tonight then we can move on to Stambilo & Konnan.

..:: Michael Shane ::.. “Yeah, I guess your right. But from now on Traci I don’t want you going anywhere without Frankie or me by your side just to be on the safe side.”

..:: End Of Role-Play ::..