This page is under construction. The completed application will be typed up and added to the site by the end of this week.
The first step in your journey into a life of service to others is completed.. by opening this application, you have decided to delve deeper into the arena of passivity and self-denial.
This in itself is an accomplishment. But the journey is far from over, in fact, it may never be over. Life is a constant, continual struggle to uncover our individual purpose. Conforming to a
lifestyle of self-denial is one path to happiness. If this is not your destined path, we all hope that you do find a method that feels right to you.
The second step is commitment. You must ask yourself if you can commit to a lifestyle of service to others. This means denying yourself for the sake of another's happiness. And this other person won't necessarilly be someone that you like.
Service to others means all others, including your enemies. Only when we treat all aislings as equals may peace truely prevail in Temuair.
As we move along the forest path, we enter areas of darkness, where we stumble on hidden obstacles. However, on this path, we also uncover hidden clearings of light, where the faeries play.
If you feel that you can make a conscious effort to live each day towards the service of others, please continue to the next section.
A Little About Your Aisling Spark.
Please complete the following questionaire and mail it to Tzeira or any of the council members. Please include the question in your answer for clarity purposes...
1. Your aisling name is:
2. Provide details about your past. (i.e. deoch born, home town, current insight, interesting things about you as an aisling.)
3. Please describe a little about your future goals. (i.e. what are your dreams? hopes? aspirations? what is your mission as an aisling?)
4. What is your favourite thing about Temuair?
5. What is your least favourite thing about Temuair? ((not including the Nexon staff members, Nexon member fee, other things which are out-of-game.))
6. Have you belonged to past guilds? Why did you leave them?
7. Describe your general impression of Ciuin Lifestyle.
8. Please select at least one geas out of each degree grouping that applies to an aisling of your insight. (for instance, if you are insight 84, choose geas from that degree grouping and the two lower groupings.)
Include the reasons why you would want to do this geas, why it would be meaningful to you. (For help on this part, scroll to the next section.)
Picking a Geas.
Each member of Ciuin Oraibh will complete geas degrees. An assumption some aislings make is that they will receive gifts, awards, or public honours for completing these geas. The only honour you will receive, aside from a posting on the member page,
is a sense of your own self-fulfillment. If this is not reward enough for your efforts, if you feel that you need a public honour and recognition, then Ciuin Oraibh is not for you.
There is much honour in performing geas. Pick at least one geas from each degree grouping for your insight.
(example: Anwwn is an insight 24 warrior. To enter Ciuin Oraibh she will have to complete Neayninagh and Neufoiljid geas. For an aisling of her insight, a Neayninagh degree geas would be fairly insignificant to what else she could be capable of.
Therefore, she might choose to complete all herbalism requests, and hunt in a party with someone she dislikes. Out of the Neufoiljid grouping she may choose to donate clothes to a fund for guild members who have died in battle.
Because Anwwn is insight 24, she falls into a category
of self-denial geas. Therefore, a guild council member may request that not only she hunt with someone that she dislikes, but that she give them the money pool.)
Self-denial means devotion to serving others. If you feel that you can't commit to this, then please find another path to happiness, with our blessings. If you feel that you can devote yourself to this cause, please procede to the next section.
Meeting You In Person.
Please send your completed questions to Tzeira or any of the council members, with a date that is convenient to meet and get to know you. The guild will get back to you to confirm a meeting time and place. It is important that you keep this date.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Ciuin Oraibh Applicant Checklist