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Our Home In The Bay

Welcome, welcome. Wanted to give everyone a chance to see our wonderful little home (and I do mean little). We live in a 502 square foot mansion (the two square feet is the bathroom, as you'll see) right on the border of Berkeley and Albany. These apartments were built for military dockworkers in 1942 for WWII and then got converted into Family Student Housing. Interested? Come, take the tour.

This is the front of our little place (the open door on the bottom floor is ours). Our two bikes are out there as well as the boxes we feed Monty, Mim and Merlin in.

This is the back of the house (which faces the street we use to leave the place and get on our buses). That's our Kerry/Edwards sign, too. :)

Our little bathroom. We have enough room to hang a few posters, and almost enough room to shower one at a time. Hooray!

This is our office/computer room/library/snake room. It's also where I hang my laundry since there isn't enough room in the bedroom for both our clothes.

And our bedroom. Look ma, the bed's made and there's no laundry on the floor! (Most of that is because Pablo makes me clean it up, but's clean, right?) There's basically enough room for our bed, out little plastic clothes boxes and the microwave cart we use to hold our TV and craft stuff, but it's nice because it's all ours, and the corner shelves give it a lot more space.

We are hoping to move into a larger Family Student Housing unit in the next few months (as pretty soon there won't be room for me, Pablo and my belly, much less the actual baby)! Check back for updates!

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