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        Concord was a rock band from Thibodaux, LA. We played original songs that I mostly wrote and we arranged together. While we covered bands like AFI and The Impossibles, creating my own music was the focus. Now due to splitting ways to different colleges, it's just me. I play guitar, bass, occasionally keyboards, and attempt to sing, but end up releasing an unbearably horrid whine instead. I am looking for anyone that plays any instrument and/or sings to play original music. If you write music, too, all the better, but it's not necessary. Songs I've written are available on this site as mp3s (terribly crappy quality, recorded by a half-working tape recorder placed by the amps, then placed by my computer microphone to record from the tape player). If you're interested, e-mail me at

Please feel free to express your love in email to us, report bugs in the website, and anything else you would like to share. To contact the band, please email the webmaster at

This website is the creation of Adam P Rouse.  All songs were created by Concord (the band).  The Concord logo was created by Ryan Meringue.  All photography of the band was taken by Julie E. E. Ledet.  All photography of the band was developed by the Walgreens staff, and all effects were created by Adam P Rouse.  The electricity that runs this website was co-created by Benjamin Franklin and God.  Please give credit where due for anything you take from this webpage.