While I have been living in Japan I have taken a few opportunities to travel around Asia. I hope to continue this more as long as I can maintain a budget for it, and as long as SARS doesn't get any worse. At the moment, however, here are some of the adventures I've had to date. Unfortunately for those of you whose attention is caught by visual supplements, there aren't as many pictures up here as there might me. Why? Well, I've finally come to the conclusion that I am more writer than photographer in me, at least, I feel that I express things better through writing than through photography. At the same time, I do my best, and have included enough pictures for you to hopefully be inspired to scroll down... and down... and well, sorry if I've gotten a little long-winded here. I have to side with E.B. White when he once explained that he didn't have time to write a short letter, so he would have to write a long one instead. Enjoy!
Ooooh, and I'm still trying to figure out a good way to use html to make photo captions... As of now, most the photos are unlabeled, but I'm working on it...