Everyone who has ever come to a show, you people are the most important part of what makes Delinquent, thankyou.
To our parents who collectively gave us the love we have for music, and also encouraged us to chase our dreams, thankyou all.
All the members who have come and gone in the band, David, Rob, Jai, Louise and anyone else who I have forgotten, thankyou for the time you spent, and it's a shame you didn't make it.
All the bands we have played with, in particular Simply Complicated, Zuadelerium, Liquid Nails(you guys remind me of a mini Delinquent)and all the others who we have played with and probably borrowed shit off, thanks.
Every motherfucker who ever came and told us to turn it down or off, you have inspired us in more ways than you can ever imagine, just by being pricks you showed us that we could anger people without doing anything illegal, and as far as turning it down or off goes, the answer is still "fuck you!", thanks.
Jack Endino for being a guiding mentor to me over the last 2 or 3 years, you discovered Nirvana, and for that you are god, and also just for all the advice you've given me over the years on the reality of the music industry, you fucking rock!
All our friends, you people are always the first people to hear anything we write, and you guys are the reason that we always seem to make people rock out, because you guys came and saw it first, and you are a bunch of fucking lunatics, we love you for it.
Belinda for taking the time to take us to practice even if you were extremely hungover, it's good to have you back.
All the people in the Shoalhaven who are making the effort to make the music scene here stronger than ever, you don't understand the impact of your contributions, and the fact that you are willing to work your asses off for next to no money, you are gods, thank you so much!
Adam's personal Thankyou's
I would like to thank my mum and dad for putting up with the noise, and for buying me so much musical equipment without which I would never have learned to play and not be here saying this shit right now.
My grandparents for doing the same things they always do, and for saving my poor hungry and broke ass for the last 20 years.
Bec, my ex-girlfriend but eternal soulmate, you taught me how to be a man, and you changed my life forever, "all we need is just a little patience"
Everyone who listens to us and likes what they hear, and everyone who comes and watches us every single time we play, you are all legends!!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!