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Let us begin this chakra balancing session by sitting in a comfortable position that will allow your spine to be very straight. Place both your feet flat on the floor. Place both your hands on each of your thighs with their palms facing upwards.

Now become aware of your Auric fields and major chakra system. Close your eyes and visualize how they envelope your physical, mental, and spiritual bodies.

Visualize the (Red #1) Root chakra extending from the base of your spine down into the Earth grounding you with its energy, and see the (White #7) Crown chakra extending from the top of your head going out into the Universe connecting with God. Visualize each of the remaining five major chakras extending out from the center of the spine in conical shapes both to the front (F) and to the back (B) of your body as shown in the picture at the top of this page.

Become aware of all of your chakras receiving Divine Energy from God and providing the needed Life Force in your entire being.

Start by closing your eyes and taking several deep breaths. With each exhalation, say to yourself:

"I am relaxed, calm, and centered. I am at peace. I am one with the Universe. I am one with God."

Repeat this affirmation and deep breathing until you start to feel a shift taking place in how you feel. This will be a different amount of time for each person.

Now begin focusing your awareness on your Root (#1) chakra. As you inhale, bring your awareness and your breath to the center of the Root chakra, or the heart of this chakra. Hold your breath and this conscious awareness in this position for three to five seconds. Upon exhalation, send the breath out this chakra and down into the Earth to ground yourself. On the next inhalation draw the breath up and in through the Root chakra, bringing it to the heart of the 2nd chakra, the Sacral chakra. Again hold the breath at the top of the inhalation, and as you exhale, send the energy out the front and back aspects of the 2nd or Sacral chakra. As you do this, affirm:

"I am cleansing and releasing any blockages, negativity, and resistance that may be in my Sacral chakra."

Move through each major chakra repeating the above pattern and affirmations, bringing as many cleansing breaths into each chakra as you feel is needed. When you reach the Crown (#7) chakra, inhale the energy all the way up to the top of your head. With a strong exhalation, open the Crown chakra and send this energy as far up and out into the Universe as you can. Do this several times to expand your reach farther out into the Universe each and every time you do this chakra balancing exercise.

After several deep breaths, begin inhalation to start receiving Divine energy through the Crown chakra to the 6th chakra, the Third Eye. Using the same pattern as on the way up the body, now you will go down through the chakras in the same pattern. Inhale to the center of the 6th, Third Eye chakra, hold the breath for three to five seconds then exhale, sending the energy out the front and back aspects of the chakra, affirming:

"I am bringing in the Higher vibrations of the Universe to cleanse, purify, and heal each chakra."

Do this for every major chakra. When you reach the Root chakra, send the energy down into the Earth grounding yourself. Sit still for awhile, becoming aware of how you feel. Notice all the variances of the vibrations within your body and around your entire Auric field.

If you feel that you need additional cleansing for any of your chakras, you can do this now by repeating any of the above steps.

The final part of this chakra balancing session is to inhale both the Earth Energy and Divine Universal Energy into the body at the same time. Go through each chakra using the same pattern, affirming that a balancing and blending of the Earth/Universe, Masculine/Feminine, Yin/Yang is taking place within each chakra.

After you have finished, please remember to give thanks to God for this Energy Balancing session. Stand up, stretch, then bend over, and touch your feet. Hold these feelings within you throughout your day.

I found it interesting to make a note of the fact that the word, OM, pronounced AUM, is supposed to be a word that resonates to the aligned vibrations of the entire Universe. Many people use this word while meditating as their mantra to align their chakras. You might want to choose some special symbol for this energy. At any time during your day when you need a quick boost of energy, you can then visualize your own chosen symbol with your opened Third Eye.

What Are The Seven Major Chakras?

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