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Our entire Universe is made from pure energy which originates from the Divine Source, God. Surrounding our body is an electromagnetical energy field. Our very DNA (deoxyribonucleicacid) can now be activated to control this energy field to prevent diseases before they reach the body. When our auric fields are in balance we are healthy and functional. When it is out of balance we develop diseases and dysfunctions. This energy field is called our Aura and contains the seven colors of the rainbow.

Within our body are more energy centers called chakras (pronounced chock-rahs.) Chakra means spinning wheel of light energy. There are seven major chakras and each one has a color of the rainbow.

Positioned along the spinal column, the seven major chakras form the backbone for the channels through which the mind, body, and spirit act as one Holistic system. This network includes many smaller energy centers throughout the body that often correspond with energy meridians called acupuncture points.

The standard hand placements of Reiki Healing are geared towards these seven major chakras. These chakras are often dysfunctional and pale or discolored, even completely closed sometimes, caused by dysfunctions of the mind, body, or spirit. Keeping these chakras functioning properly is very important to our health because disruptions or blockages in energy flow leads to illness and dysfunction. Reiki Healing Energy clears the chakras of any negative energy and blockages, restoring the balanced and harmonious flow of Life Force Energy. The Aura colors are bright when all is well within.

Energy flows both into and out of the Aura from our chakras, from the Earth's energy, and from the Universal Divine Energy of God. Other people can send us energy and drain our energy. The Aura, the colorful, luminescent fields of energy enveloping each of us, is composed of seven rainbow colored layers, each of which deals with different aspects of our physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual beings. The seven major chakras extend in conical shapes from the core of the spine to form all of these auric fields that compose the Aura.

In the physical body, the position of each of the seven major chakras corresponds with an endocrine gland that controls a hormonal balance and a major nerve plexus. Please note in the picture, in ascending order, these chakras are located at the base of the spine (Root chakra #1), between the genitals and naval (Sacral chakra #2), two to four inches above the naval (Solar Plexus chakra #3), the center of the chest (Heart chakra #4), middle of the neck (Throat chakra #5), just above the middle of the brow area (Third Eye chakra #6), and middle top of the head (Crown chakra #7).

The body also has many minor chakras (122 minimal) including pairs behind the eyes, near and inside the ears, behind the knees, on the soles of the feet, and palms of the hands. Anywhere there is a joint in the body, there is a chakra. The hands contain many energy centers. The palms are the energy centers through which Reiki Healing Energy is directed. How does one receive this Reiki Healing Energy? Contact a Reiki Master for an attunement. There are three levels of attunement, Reiki I, Reiki II, and Master. Anyone can be attuned, but only a Master Reiki Teacher can give or send the attunements. Once a Reiki Master Teacher attunes you to the Source of Reiki, intention is all that is required for you to channel this Universal Divine Energy. It flows into your body through your Crown and Heart chakras and out through your palm energy centers to wherever you direct it to specific parts of your body or to others.

Each major chakra on the front of the body is paired with its counterpart on the back of the body. This is considered to be the front and rear aspect of one chakra. The Root and Crown chakras can be considered paired because they are conical points of the body’s main power current, which runs up and down the spine and into which all of the chakras point. The Crown chakra receives Divine Energy from God. The Root chakra grounds us to the Earth's Energy.

The above information should help to explain how we are all connected to God and should therefore show love and respect for all life and property.

Chakras 1, 3, 5, and 7 pertain to the will, while chakras 2, 4, and 6 pertain to love. The first set works and interacts well with each other, and the second set does the same within its group.

Some people say the seven chakras resonate to the seven notes of the musical scale of the Key of C, while others think it resonates better to the seven notes of the musical scale of the Key of F Major. For any musical Key, you would begin with the first note being for the Root chakra and the seventh note being for the Crown chakra.

The seven major chakras are associated with specific aspects of our consciousness. Listed below are their resonating musical scale notes in the Keys of C and F Major, locations, chief characteristics, associated colors, and main related body functions. Study the picture at the top of this page to learn where they are located before going on to the balancing session for the seven major chakras listed as a click-on link at the end of this page.

1. ROOT CHAKRA (#1 in above picture):

In the Key of C this would resonate to the note of C. In the Key of F Major, this would resonate to the note of F. The Root chakra is located at the base of the spinal column, just above the tail bone. Its associated color is Red. Its related parts of the body are: adrenal glands, kidneys, spinal column, and leg bones. The Root chakra grounds us in our physical existence (our bodies and the material world.) It is all about self-preservation and survival. Balanced Root chakras result in a healthy desire for the basics of life (food, water, shelter, clothes, security, etc.) When this chakra is imbalanced, we may be afraid of life, withdraw from physical reality, feel victimized, operate in a highly selfish mode, or be prone to violence. Dysfunction of this chakra also can lead to problems of the feet, legs, and lower back.

2. SACRAL OR SEXUAL CHAKRA (#2 in above picture):

This would resonate to the note of D in the Key of C. This would resonate to the note of G in the Key of F Major. The Sacral chakra is located just above the middle of the pubic bone. Its associated color is Orange. Its related parts of the body are: breasts, ovaries or gonads, uterus, prostrate gland, the reproductive system, kidneys, and bladder. This chakra governs one's creative attitudes regarding relationships, sex, and procreation.

When properly functioning, this chakra fuels our emotions, creativity, and sexuality. We feel vital and spontaneous. Imbalance of this chakra can result in over-indulgence in sex or food, sexual or reproductive disorders, and feelings of jealousy and confusion.

3. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA (#3 in above picture):

This would resonate to the note of E in the Key of C. This would resonate to the note of A in the Key of F Major. The Solar Plexus chakra is located two to four inches above the navel. It is associated with the color Yellow. Its related parts of the body are: pancreas, liver, digestive tract, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, and autonomic nervous system. This chakra is the clearing house for emotional sensitivities and issues of personal power. Strongly associated with intellect, the Solar Plexus chakra is the seat of our personal power. When this chakra is open and balanced, its energy helps us transform our hopes and aspirations, especially material ones, into reality. We feel self-confident and have a clear sense of purpose. Dysfunction of this chakra can result in insecurity about physical and financial matters and the need to manipulate or control others. Physical problems associated with its imbalance often include digestive disorders.

4. HEART CHAKRA (#4 in above picture):

This would resonate to the note of F in the Key of C. This would resonate to the note of B-flat in the Key of F Major. The Heart chakra is located in between the two breasts on the same level as your heart. It is associated with the color Green with a secondary color of Pink for Love. Its related parts of the body are: the thymus gland, heart, lower lungs, immune system, endocrine system, circulatory system, skin, and hands. Acting as the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, the heart chakra is the center of love and emotional well being. When this chakra is fully functioning, our ability to give and receive Unconditional Love is well developed, and we have compassion and love for others and for ourselves. Dysfunction of this chakra often results in feelings of sadness, grief, depression, guilt, disappointments, hurts, fears, and anger and can lead to heart disease or organic malfunctions.

5. THROAT CHAKRA (#5 in above picture):

This would resonate to the note of G in the Key of C. This would resonate to the note of C in the Key of F Major. The Throat chakra is located in the middle of the throat. It is associated with the color Blue. It is related to these parts of the body: thyroid gland, throat and jaw areas, lungs, vocal cords, and digestive tract. The Throat chakra governs communication and mental creativity, and is the center of expression, communication, and judgment. When this chakra is functioning properly, we speak and listen in the spirit of truth and constructively express anger and other emotions. Energizing this chakra can improve our psychic hearing ability called clairaudience. Communication suffers when this chakra is blocked. We may overindulge in eating and drinking to keep a non-communicative throat occupied, and suffer from respiratory diseases, dental disorders, and low self-esteem. Feelings of anger, hostility, and resentment also are associated with the imbalance of this chakra.

6. THIRD EYE CHAKRA OR BROW CHAKRA (#6 in above picture):

This would resonate to the note of A in the Key of C. This would resonate to the note of D in the Key of F Major. The Third Eye chakra is related to these parts of the body: pituitary gland, lower brain, left eye, ears, nose, and the central nervous system. Its color is Indigo. The Third Eye is located in the center of the forehead area between our two eyes at the top of the nose. It is the chakra of psychic perception, intuition, and understanding of the Oneness of the Universe. An open Third Eye chakra is the source of our intuition and clairvoyance or vision beyond ordinary sight, as well as our ability to visualize and manifest. Blockages of this chakra abound, resulting in fear of the imagination, dreams and our irrational intuitive insights. Physical symptoms of Third Eye imbalance may include persistent headaches in the center of the forehead, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

7. CROWN CHAKRA (#7 in above picture):

This would resonate to the note of B in the Key of C. This would resonate to the note of E in the Key of F Major. The Crown chakra is related to these parts of the body: pineal gland, upper brain, right eye. The crown chakra is known as the Divine chakra because it is what connects us to God's energy and love. It is located in the crown of our head, the top midsection of our hair area. It associates with the color White, and sometimes Violet. The Crown chakra is our direct connection to Spirit. When it is highly developed, we fully understand the Oneness of Universal Existence and experience true inner peace. The illusion of separation between ourselves and other beings dissolves. Expansion of the Crown chakra enables us to tap into the highest sources of spiritual wisdom and knowledge and enhance our claircognizance or psychic knowing. Blockages to the Crown chakra can result in feeling lonely, fearing death, and needing to compare ourselves to others, often unfavorably.

Now that you understand about your major and minor chakras and their rainbow-colored auric fields, you can click on the next page for a free session in balancing your seven major chakras.

Balancing The Seven Major Chakras

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