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Thursday, February 26, 2004
Music Returns!
By: "Dangerous" Doug Harper

What a week it has been so far! The drought has ended, and everything is coming together for the big March second, return of music. Although things have surpassingly already taken off! So much has been happening lately, I must catch you up to speed. As we recap the week so far: Monday, well let?s just pretend... there was no Monday. It was basically that ever boring first day of the week that everyone hates so just try to forget Monday. Ah yes, now on to Tuesday, what a great day it was! Just merely knowing that we were only one week away from the return of music. Well I have to admit I was happy, but at this point not about music at all. The week was topped off, with the highlight of this month when Michelle, Julie, & Angie came over for a wonderful evening. We had a great dinner (some whipped cream) and just a great time hanging out! Now after that what more could you possibly need to occur in a week? Nothing, but time went on and everything is going great now, as we are fueling up for next weeks explosion of music. Come to find out though, things are already active in the area music scene right now! Check the calendar on our main page! The events piled in so quickly I was not sure it was true, but yes it is true and happening now! Our community has had an overnight music movement topping anything that has ever happened in the Vernon County music scene before. So look out Nevada, now it is on! ?Let?s get it on!? Go find some musical action, and leave the girls to me.

Posted by indie/doug at 4:22 AM CST
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By: Matthew Harper

The Society is up to many new things as we write. Lots of new projects. For instance the t-shirts have been designed and are on order. Matthew (the Beatnik Poet) is currently prepping up to enter into the studio for his second solo album to date. The album is yet untitled but many ideas have crossed the board.
Also the Winter Van Tour is not out of the equation, it is however on hold at the moment.

Thank you and God bless you.
Yours in Christ,
Matthew Harper (the Beatnik Poet)

Posted by indie/doug at 3:45 AM CST
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Saturday, February 21, 2004
The David Byerly Controversy
By: E. Randal

?I read the news today oh boy? Once again another hard-hitting controversy surfaces in the music world. Though we are not talking about Jacko, we will be talking about music craziness, but on a local scale. In the Local Ear E-Zine a letter to the editor was printed with a few harsh things said about David?s singing abilities. David of course responded to the outrageous letter of war, with a few not so loving things said, but ending with the quote ?Leave this long haired country boy alone?. Who could possibly not like David Moses Byerly, the all-loving, charming, guitar wielding stranger. I my self have not heard David sing, but what I have heard about him (with the exception of TTY) has been overwhelmingly wonderful. So how could this be? So I would like to hear your thoughts on the DMBC (David Moses Byerly Controversy) so we can get to the bottom of this outrage.

Posted by indie/doug at 6:40 AM CST
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Bru Java Is Back!
By: Dangerous Doug

Bru Java has been a place (in various places) that seems to keep recreating it?s self and somehow ceases to die! Now on Thursday nights at 7pm MCF brings you? ?Back to Bru Java?. What is Bru Java? It is not just a name or a place, actually there really is no way to explain it other than to say ?come and see?. Bru Java offers FREE coffee, and will soon be serving food again! Basically at 7pm music begins with ?Dangerous? Doug or Paul Stewart, at 8pm it is then time for Open Mic, and finally at 9pm we have our special feature music, it varies from week to week to keep it interesting but it is always fun. Bru Java every Thursday night at 7pm. Every week Bru gets better and better and more people attend. Everything happens for a reason, and Bru Java will happened again. I encourage you to come and hang out with us this week!

Bru Java Events:

Thursday Feb. 26
?Dangerous? Doug 7pm
Paul Stewart 7:30pm
Open Mic 8pm

Posted by indie/doug at 5:10 AM CST
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Monday, January 19, 2004
"Dangerous" Doug Curently Recording a new CD!
Doug recently has been recording at his live shows in hopes to put out a live album this year.

Posted by indie/doug at 9:17 AM CST
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