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Saturday, March 20, 2004
Matthew Harper In Concert
By: E. Randal

Finally it is Saturday, and time for the Matthew Harper concert, tonight at the Days Inn. Don?t miss out on this one! It will be laid back, and mostly acoustic music, with the exception of some electric bass guitar. The music will be smooth and easy to listen to, and very enjoyable for all ages. David Moses Byerly will be there and he will be singing (loud and amplified) for all of his fans. The concert will kick off at 7:30 PM, so don?t be late to this GREAT show!

Posted by indie/doug at 4:42 AM CST
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Friday, March 19, 2004
Music This Weekend
By: "Dangerous" Doug Harper

It is once again time for me to pipe in, my thoughts and let you in on all the info on what I like to call Nevada?s Local Music Buzz. Ok fine have it your way, the Nevada music scene. I had a great week and I know it will just get better. Don?t forget that this weekend will be great with the Matthew Harper Concert at the Days Inn, of Nevada. I know he is my brother but I can still get pumped up about the show. Only $2 will get you in, WOW. I can?t believe it that is cheep. David Byerly will be opening, and Drew will be playing some bass with David. Oh yeah one more really cool feature, our friend Wyatt Brown will be sitting in with Matthew too. Don?t miss this one! What else could you possibly have to do anyway?

Right now I am listening to Deep Purple. I enjoy their sound, music is soul food. We all need a little soul food ?Man cannot live on bread alone?! Get out this weekend and get some tunes in your system. I?ll see you there.

Posted by indie/doug at 2:50 PM CST
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
A Message From ?Dangerous? Doug
By: Doug Harper

Good day to you all. I hope everything is going well for you all. I am feeling better after my short trip to Arkansas this week. I had great time and seen some really pretty scenery. It was very nice to just get away from Nevada for a while. Thank you for all the emails I have received encouraging me to keep the music alive, and the web page going. I want to especially thank Kathy Jenkins and Gean Hyder, for there emails and comments. I want to thank all of you who have stuck with the Local Ear through out our ups and downs with the music scene in Nevada. I also want to thank all of the Local Ear subscribers, people, businesses, & musicians who have helped out along the way! We could not of done it with out you, Thanks again.

Posted by indie/doug at 2:36 AM CST
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004
These guys will be coming to Nevada soon?
Text from: Starrfadu's Web Page

StarrFadu is a three-piece band based out of Springfield, Missouri with a style uniquely their own. With influences ranging from British Rock to 70's Folk, and even some Jazz, their appeal to a wide range of age groups keeps their crowds diverse.
Started by singer/songwriter Austin Hartley back in August of 2001, the band officially formed in January of 2002 with the permanent additions of Brian Moody on drums and Dave Martin playing bass. Since that time the band has gained local recognition for not only their unique style, but for their energetic, and often comedic, live performances as well. Playing coffeehouses, church youth events, and Universities (such as Mizzou and SBU), the band is already starting to make waves outside of the Springfield area.

In October the band released it's first EP entitled 'The Joys in Feeling Sorry for Yourself' which landed the guys an interview, and later an album review, with - an on-line free expression website. Shortly after that, the band was asked to perform at 'One Big Party' - a local youth event that brought in over 950 young people as well as several other area youth events shortly after.

All of the songs the band performs are written directly from experiences from Austin?s life. Lyrically, (Hartley says) you?ll find life. Sometimes you?re feeling good about everything in the world, and the very next minute you?re in the worst hole you could ever dig for yourself. What can you say but, it?s life. When I write, I try and not put it all on the shelf. With the exception of a couple of what I would call straight-forward songs, you?ll find all types of undertones but the interpretation of those undertones are up to the listener.?

Outside of playing in the band, each of the guys is involved in some type of youth ministry at their church - which is where they all met. Brian and Austin work in the junior high/high school ministries, and Dave works with the younger children. I think we all love being there for those kids just as much as we love playing music! We're all probably at church more than we?re at home,? Hartley said.

Look to see a lot more of these guys in the near future. With more live shows lined up, and a full length CD in the works, these guys are set to make StarrFadu a household name.

More information at

Posted by indie/doug at 4:08 PM CST
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Beatnik Poet's Society is Postponed, and Doug is M.I.A.
By: E. Randal

I got an email from ?Dangerous? Doug today, stating ?I have to leave for awhile so please drop an update on the web page for me?. He did not give me details why he was leaving or where he was going, only this short message: ?I have to get away from it all for awhile at this point I am burnt out?. At this point I am a little concerned about Doug, after reading the last posted message on here (you can read it below). The Beatnik Poet?s Society is canceled tonight, so what is up. I was one of the few that were at the Pond Monkeys show, on Friday and it was very good. But that is all I know for now? Until then, music is missing in action!

Posted by indie/doug at 6:58 PM CST
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Monday, March 15, 2004
No One Came To The Show...
By: "Dangerous" Doug Harper

If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Probably so! Do you know why I know this? Stereo Types came to town and rocked out, no one was there to hear it, and yes they made an awesome sound. So were you one of the special few that came out to see the show, if you were please send me an e-mail, or respond below and tell the folks that missed out on the awesome rockers, just what exactly they missed out on. I actually was very upset on Saturday night, because of the turn out. I posted stuff here on the web page, and sent out promo stuff on the concert, and even a press release to the radio station. So why did no one show up? I don?t want to hear anybody complain about the fact that Nevada sucks ever again, because this town has major potential. You know what the problem is? yep, the people who live hear. Sorry I don?t want to make anyone mad, but I have to say my piece. This is specifically directed to those people who are the ones that complain about how Nevada sucks and that there is never anything to do around here. Well you missed out on an awesome concert. I know what you are saying to yourself right now, I did not know about the show. That is not a good excuse, I try to feed people information, and I am tired of making myself worn out by doing so, and for nothing, no one to show up to the show. I built this web page so you, yes I said YOU, could use it to its full potential and see, yep I said so you CAN SEE, what is going on musically in our area. It is not my fault for anyone missing out, because I try. So consider this the end of my generosity, and help. You can help yourself to the information, I think I do enough as it is. If you don?t like to hear me play that is fine, I realize I play around town all the time and I have heard some say before, ?we have heard it all before?. My feeling are not hurt when you don?t come see me, actually I really don?t care, I do appreciate the ones who do come, and they will never be forgotten. But, when I bring a great band to town, and they absolutely rock out, with no holds barred, I do expect that someone would at least show up to see the show. I in fact know that there are practically no venues in this town, so at least the musicians should show up, I did see a few and I commend all of you that did show up. As for the rest of you slackers, take yourselves and your unappreciative donkeys, right on out of my way. Am I angry? The answer is yes. From this point on, aside from any venues or people that have booked me or have invited me to come and play, all the concerts that I will be hosting and playing at in this town will now only be Club Dangerous shows. What is Club Dangerous you ask? Well that means that you will have to be a Club Dangerous member to get into the shows! The membership fee will be $5 per month, that will get you into all of the Club Dangerous shows for that month, and you will get a newsletter each month telling you what Club Dangerous is doing. So if you want to become a member do so by coming to a Club Dangerous show and becoming a member then, or email me letting me know that you are interested at, if you don?t want to become a member well I?m sorry but it?s your loss. You will be the one in the dark missing out. Thank you, and Stereo Types Rock! The point, well if and when a tree falls, don?t miss out, be around to hear the sound, and to see it fall. I?ll see the Club Dangerous members at the next show.

Posted by indie/doug at 12:14 AM CST
Updated: Monday, March 15, 2004 12:22 AM CST
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Saturday, March 13, 2004
The Punk Weekend Continues...
By: "Dangerous" Doug Harper

Hey it has been a great weekend so far, but lets make it even better tonight! Stereo Types will be playing at the Days Inn of Nevada, on East Austin, across from Burger King. TONIGHT! Do not miss THIS SHOW! It will be one of the greatest this year and it WILL ROCK! Only a small $5 cover gets you in and you will love Stereo Types (punk and ska music). See you tonight, it starts at 8pm.

Posted by indie/doug at 5:43 PM CST
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Thursday, March 11, 2004
Great Big Weekend of Music
By: "Dangerous" Doug Harper

I will be hosting two shows that will be held in the banquet room of the Days Inn (formerly Welk-Um Inn, and also Comfort Inn). It is located on east Austin Blvd. just of the 71 hwy by Burger King and the new Wal-Mart Super Center, in Nevada. The Show will begin at 8 PM - till Midnight both night with several bands each night, and as always an acoustic opener. They will be held Friday March 12, and Sat. March 13, and they will be two of the greatest shows this year in Nevada. They will be for all ages (under 12 gets in free but must be with an adult), with tickets only $5 each! The show schedule looks like this:

Friday Night
(All times and order are subject to change)
8 PM ? David Moses Byerly
8:30 PM ? (Guest Act)
9 PM ? (Open Band)
10 PM Pond Monkeys

Saturday Night
(All times and order are subject to change)
8 PM ? David Moses Byerly
8:30 PM -Yellow Snow
9:30 PM - Stereo Types

Advanced Ticket Info Call: 417-549-6113

Posted by indie/doug at 12:49 AM CST
Updated: Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:54 AM CST
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Saturday, March 6, 2004
It is that time again!
By: "Dangerous" Doug Harper

What time you ask? Time to get to the uptown-downtown Nevada, area. Last night I was on the move, I was strolling through uptown, Nevada (the Square) and it was very hoping. At seven-thirty PM on a Friday night I could hear piano music coming from the restaurant on the corner, and lights shined out from the coffeehouse too. It almost seemed like, well there was something going on. Dan Keller was on the piano in side the restaurant, and the place was packed, in fact it was so packed that there was no where to sit at. I hung out for a minute by the counter, had a soda pop, and then headed on to the coffeehouse. It is just a cool place, and very comfortable. I enjoyed a cup of coffee, and sit on probably the most comfortable couch I have sit on in years. I propped up my feet on a footstool, and man I just relaxed, it was great! My point is, on the weekends get down and check out the square, in Nevada. Oh and by the way Dan Keller will be playing again tonight, on the Square at the Country Corner Cafe, from 6 ? 8 PM.

Posted by indie/doug at 4:32 AM CST
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Friday, March 5, 2004
Dear Readers,
Well how are you all? I?m fine, and doing great. Everything is good here, and going as planed. I hope you all have heard about the Beatnik Poets Society. Don?t miss the next show! Tuesday March 9, 2004 at the Days Inn Banquet room. Dan Keller will be playing piano from 6 ? 8 PM at the corner cafe tonight, and tomorrow night! It is located Uptown on the corner of the Nevada, square. There is another venue added to Project Underground, Grandma & Papas Cafe, on Osage Blvd. They will be featuring live acoustic music on Saturdays. Musically our area is really stepping things up, and as for the new bands, yes there are new bands. We will be finding out all the details on what?s new, this year, coming up, right here. Wow it is hard to imagine how far this area has come, when it comes to the music scene.
From the Apartment
"Dangerous" Doug

Posted by indie/doug at 4:43 AM CST
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