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Friday, April 9, 2004
Hello Again!
Hey it is so good to see you, again! There are a lot of things in store for this month! April is always a big month for music in the area. Stay tuned right here for the up to the minute details on...the Spring Evolution concert, the Magic Bean Movement, and The new band?

Posted by indie/doug at 2:58 AM CDT
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Hey, don't forget to stop by Bru Java tonight!!!!!
300 S. Spring street for Open Mic and a special performance by "Dangerous" Doug Harper!

Posted by indie/doug at 11:01 AM CDT
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004
What is new with Doug!
I have been in Springfield recently and having a fun time to. I have played some shows and just enjoyed my time away from Nevada. I am looking forward to coming back and getting all fired up for the Spring Evolution! I?ll see you soon.

Your friend,
Dangerous Doug

Posted by indie/doug at 6:13 PM CDT
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Friday, April 2, 2004
By: Tammy Clark

This past weekend (Mar. 26-28) was a time of worshipping God and spiritual renewal. In Tulsa, OK, the Church of Christ had their annual Soul-Winning Workshop. I wasn't able to go this year, but I've been in the past. The Church of Christ doesn't use instrumental music -- they rely solely on their voices. Imagine 15,000 or more people lifting their voices together in songs of praise to the Lord. Talk about making "a joyful noise unto the Lord"!!! It's truly awesome!

Rinehart Christian Church began their Passion Conference Sunday night, to discuss and expound on the recent movie, "The Passion of the Christ". That's a great movie, by the way. If you haven't seen it yet, you should!

But where was I this weekend? I went to the Living Hope Fellowship for an amazing song service. A gathering of about 60 or 70 people from probably at least 10 different area churches, worshipping the same Lord with prayer and song. In the Bible, in John 17, Jesus prays for all believers. He prays that "all of them may be one" (John 17:21), just as He and His Father are one. I believe Friday night was a step in that direction. We need to do away with the differences between us and all just worship the one true God. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. Is He yours? If you don't know Him, and would like to meet Him, pick up a Bible and read the book of John. Get to know Him. He's waiting for you.

Posted by indie/doug at 6:24 AM CST
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Famous Andy
By: Doug Harper

You are probably asking yourself right now, why is he famous, right? Famous Andy is not a person it is a guitar, named after a person. Yep you guessed it, that person?s name is Andy. Now how can a guitar be famous? Well if Andy could talk he would tell you more stories than I could possibly tell, because of where he has been and all that he has done. I have actually only owned Andy for about six months, and in fact have never actually paid for him. One day I came home and there he was sitting in my kitchen waiting to be played at the next gig. So it is weird just how I acquired this guitar, it?s like he chose me, instead of me buying it. Soon after I started playing gigs with Andy, he became an attraction to every show; every one was talking about him, and wanted to borrow him to make an appearance during their shows. He became famous not because of his past but from warm tone that he puts out, and his mysterious appearance at my house. It was not until later that we discovered the legends, and myths of his past. It is said that an old man at an auction in Nashville TN purchased Andy, when a studio there was selling out some of they?re equipment, just after a recording session with Willie Nelson, in his early days. No one knows what was paid for it, or at least the old man did not tell his grandson when he gave it to him. The grandson moved to Missouri where he lived in Kansas City, where the guitar again was sold at an estate auction after an early and unfortunate death in a car accident. A man bought the guitar for re-sale value, and again passed it on this time to a young boy named Andy. Andy did not know what to do with the guitar, but he knew I played and needed a good acoustic guitar, so he brought it by, and dropped it off in my kitchen for me. I put new strings on it and put some guitar picks in the pocket of the guitar case. I had a gig the next day, so I took the guitar to the show, and played it on stage. After the set, Andy came up to me and asked me how I like the guitar, and I told him that I loved the way it played and told him that I had no Idea where it had came from. He told me to keep it and keep playing it. I thought it would be nice to name it after him, and tell people about it at my shows. So that is who ?Famous? Andy is. Now every one just loves to play Andy, and see him at shows. I play the songs, but Andy makes the music.

Posted by indie/doug at 5:28 AM CST
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Monday, March 29, 2004

Dear Local Ear:

The letter I wrote to you about David was not supposed to draw more attention to David or to you or to the music industry. It wasn't supposed to make David more popular. I wrote you the letter because his language was offensive and you were supposedly the one responsible for that particular show. I thought that you, being a Christian, might at least ask him not to use that type of language in your shows. I'm sorry, Doug. I really like you and enjoy listening to you sing, but I just can't willingly sit and listen to the kind of language David was using. If he's still singing on Thursday nights and using that kind of language, I'm sorry, but I just can't be there.

If you want to print something else in your newsletter about this, you can print some sort of retraction. Apologize to David for printing that letter in the first place and let him know that it was never intended for the newsletter in the first place.


Posted by indie/doug at 3:28 AM CST
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
The BBQ & More
By: Doug Harper

It?s me again! It is great to get to talk to you again. I have not had the chance to put anything here for almost a week. Not much has been happening lately with me, but stuff has been going on musically in the area though. Since last weekend, I have played at two shows, one as always at Bru Java, (Maranatha Christian Fellowship Upstairs) we had a BBQ this week and it was really great twenty- seven people showed up so it was a fair crowd also, and we ate great BBQ. Danny played at open mic, and I played my regular set too. It was fun I hope to see you next week! Friday night there was a great song service at the Living Hope Fellowship Dawn, Bob, and I got to be part of it along with tons of other praise teams from various churches. I had a really good time, and it was awesome!

Posted by indie/doug at 2:04 AM CST
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Ladies and Gentlemen
By: ?Dangerous? Doug Harper

Ladies and Gentlemen, children of all ages, and music lovers, what is new in our little community. They have achieved what they wanted to. What you ask? The stones have been thrown, and the sticks are coming, but words will never harm me. I am generally writing today about all of this media. The media will jump up and bite your donkey, if you don?t watch out. Do I qualify as media, I never really wanted to become like the general media, but I have moved in that direction as of late. I realized a few days ago how much closer I get to what I do not want to be each day. When the Local Ear started out we were established to publish musicians and bands, but now we are talking about it all. So anyway where am I going with all of this? I?m not saying that I will never talk about something besides music again but I am going to pay special attention to the music, for the next month. So if you are a musician or band and would like us to do a story on you drop us an e-mail at We will be doing some features, and re-printing some stories that have made the Local Ear what it is today. Thank you for sticking with us, through thick and thin.

?And on that note here is the music news!

13 Curves is one of the bands we have followed all the way with the Local Ear, and recently we have not been saying too much about ?em. Partly because things have been going slow for them recently, and have been looking for a bass guitar player. They have lots in store for us again soon though, so keep your ear out for more great music from 13 Curves.

Marci Mitchell has been going every where recently! Local girl gone big time, Marci travels through several states every month and keeps playing those great songs that she does so well. She will be playing a new club in Carthage soon, so keep your eyes on our web page, and find out when.

As for other musicians in the area I have not heard so much of what is going on, but there are a few new bands out there, and Mike Reed has been doing some playing also from what I understand. So more music could be coming to Nevada, look out music lovers. Until next time, see you next time

Posted by indie/doug at 3:23 AM CST
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Monday, March 22, 2004
Sat. March 20, 2004 Was Awesome!
By: E. Randal

It seemed just like an average Saturday night until I received a phone call from ?Dangerous? Doug, and he told me to come out to the Days Inn for the show. I remembered at that point, that I was going to go, but I had got side tracked, working on my car, and I had been over worked all week. When Doug called me I told him I would be on my way in just a few minutes, cause I had to take a quick shower first. I got ready and headed out to the Days Inn, and on my way grabbed a burger at Burger King to spice up my breath for the ladies, and headed into the show. It only cost two dollars to get in, which I thought, was great, because I could not get any entertainment of this type in Nevada anywhere else. I could not do anything else as exciting for the four dollars that I spent last night. Lets see actually not even four dollars. I paid just over a dollar for my burger at BK and two dollars at the door to get into the show, and I drank three sodas at the show, and they are only a quarter each, so that only made three dollars and seventy-five cents. WOW can you believe that! So enough about money, I walked into the banquet room and David Byerly was already on the mic singing and playing. He sounded really good; I was impressed with his guitar skill, and his humor on stage. He made me feel right at home right away. Later Drew joined him on the bass guitar. Next Matthew Harper hit the stage, with Wyatt Brown on the bass guitar. Their set was great, dueling harmonicas, later David on mandolin, and Doug on backing vocals. I was really impressed with Matthews performance, it was right on, and even felt just a little country, which I really liked, and I not really a country fan. So this just goes to show that you never know what you will get with the locals, they continue to surprise, and entertain me each time I go to a concert. After Matthew was done playing he invited his brother ?Dangerous? Doug to the stage, Doug pulled out some laid back mellow acoustic songs, which is not like I usually see Doug perform either. Doug usually does a really upbeat comedy routine, but on Saturday his set was very serious and mellow, until he got Eric Lane Gulliford to come up and play some harmonica. They together pulled out some blues tunes that got the crowd clapping and singing along. Finally all the musicians got up and played together on ?Sweet Home Alabama?. Wow what a show it was, I really enjoyed myself, and I look forward to hearing them all play again.

Posted by indie/doug at 1:52 PM CST
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Saturday, March 20, 2004
Matthew Harper In Concert
By: E. Randal

Finally it is Saturday, and time for the Matthew Harper concert, tonight at the Days Inn. Don?t miss out on this one! It will be laid back, and mostly acoustic music, with the exception of some electric bass guitar. The music will be smooth and easy to listen to, and very enjoyable for all ages. David Moses Byerly will be there and he will be singing (loud and amplified) for all of his fans. The concert will kick off at 7:30 PM, so don?t be late to this GREAT show!

Posted by indie/doug at 4:42 AM CST
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