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ECW One Night Stand

2006 One Night Stand: June 11, 2006 from New York, NY:
-Tazz beat Jerry Lawler by submission
-Kurt Angle forced Randy Orton to tap out to the ankle lock
-The FBI beat Tajiri & Super Crazy. After the match, Big Show cleared the ring of all participants
-Rey Mysterio vs. Sabu was stopped after medical staff proclaimed both men unable to continue.
-Mick Foley, Edge & Lita def. Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer & Beulah
-Balls Mahoney beat Masato Tanaka
-Rob Van Dam beat John Cena for the WWE/ECW Championship

2005 One Night Stand: June 12, 2005 from New York, NY:
* Lance Storm defeated Chris Jericho.
* Three-Way Dance: Super Crazy defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri & Little Guido.
* Rey Mysterio defeated Psicosis.
* Sabu defeated Rhyno.
* Chris Benoit defeated Eddie Guerrero.
* Mike Awesome defeated Masato Tanaka.
* The Dudley Boyz defeated Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman.