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Frontal Assault Wrestling
The Story Begins Somewhere...

Memphis Johnson climbed through the ropes, blood pouring down his face, and with his hands he slowly lowered his head into them. It was a sad day for this man, for he was no longer thrilled and interested in the wrestling business. Fighting in established companies all over North America, most noted his stint in World Wide Wrestling. But after months of abuse, and it was only months, he was fed up with where he was going, so the story started from there...

Phone Call...

His interests had slowly been fading after a month away from the ring and he didnt really want to continue in the business, but one phone call changed his life in wrestling. It was a phone call from Australian indie promotion owner Brandon Mercy, who wanted a bit more beef on his front office. Memphis being a former wrestler and handled some booking commitments in the past was an ideal candidate, but he did not want to move away to Australia to be involved with that side of the business. Something had to be changed in the negotiation, and it was moving the organisation to America.

Not So Easy...

However this would not be able to happen either because of wrestlers not wanting to leave their homeland. So Brandon Mercy and Memphis Johnson gambled the lot, and decided to start fresh. Frontal Assault Wrestling was born...

Modern Day...

Now they are on their way to glory with the starting of this promotion, now the only question is if they can continue on a succesfull path like many before them have failed to do.


15th Febuary 2006 - Brandon Mercy and Memphis Johnson aquire a small set of offices in Orlando, Florida to run the organisation from.

20th Febuary 2006 - FAW officialy opens its doors.