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The Bigger They Are, The Louder They Oink

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61. Scared Rebecca.
62. Rebecca's world is turned upside-down.
63. Hogzilla pays Baloo a visit at the controls of the Sea Duck.
64. Kit and Rebecca help Hogzilla out of the Sea Duck.
65. Baloo looks ticked off on the dock. There is nothing wrong with the grab itself...something must have been wrong with the actual frame. You'll see what I mean.
66. Baloo, Kit, and Rebecca take Hogzilla on a stroll through the tropical forest.
67. "Baby" Hogzilla in a carriage.
68. The gate guard won't permit the H4H crew to enter the forest.
69. Rebecca shows affection for her "baby".
70. Kit does some convincing.
71. Tax dollars put to good use. Oh yeah.
72. Rebecca teaches Hogzilla to sniff out truffles.
73. Camera view looking up at Kit and Baloo.
74. A lion shows up and scares the bejeezes out of the H4H crew.
75. Baloo is willing to offer Hogzilla to the lion to avoid getting mauled.
76. Rebecca is not pleased with Baloo's offering.
77. Rebecca cries.
78. Hogzilla eyes Rebecca's truffle.
79. Rebecca scolds Hogzilla.
80. Rebecca jumps for joy.

This website and its content is © Charlene Fleming 2003 unless stated otherwise. Works contained herein
may not be reproduced or distributed in any way without the express written consent of the author.