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A poetic justice born in the realm hundreds of years ago.. raised in a kingdom long forgotton...surviving in a time so savage..her name, was...and is BlackHarlequinn to some..but to the one`s closest to her...they knew her as Harlequinn Elia Francheshca. Sired at age 19 by the Trickster Vampire Santiago, she soon came to realize that...she was more open minded then most vampires, but, for two hundred years she was severly niave..and broke many hearts...but this last year the months before her birthday of being born, and reborn...she learned what true love was...and how to keep it burning...

Her past was not one that was full of roses and path`s easily taken..No, this childs path was full of surprizes...both good and bad...her quests of knowledge fulfilled from performing in kingdom`s that rule across great lands...She sang, performed shakespear, read poetry, to not only educate the king and queen, but herself as well. They allowed her passage into the greatest of Library`s she had ever seen in her life.. They allowed her freedome to perform in plays...

But, after a few decades she decided to return back to Pari..her home...and now, she is home...home umungst people she knows...along with her sire, Santiago..

Hiden Fact:Harle's ex-lover is Kade Wolf who now hates her for trying to make him into a vampire