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Hair:Short spikie blonde hair


Eyes: Yellow

Height: 5'8"

Build: medium

Burn in Seattle,Wa in Oct of 1926 Alex spent most he's mortal youth growing up in the area around Seattle until he got a chance to go to a art school in New York in summer of 1943 taking up what he called a chance of life he moved to NY studing art for 4 long years there he paid for food and rent by working part time has a taxi cab driver

But in 1947 that would all change when one night he picked up CM a vampire who keeps the meaning of he's own name to everyone even he's own sire before the night was over Alex's cab was in the water and he was was a vampire. CM has never giving a reason why he turned Alex. Teaching Alex everything he knew CM keep a close eye on he's chylde only letting him NY twice one to go to Las Vegas and a second time in winter of 1973 to go come to Seattle for the first time in 30 years what Alex didn't was that 29 almost 30 years later he would take a very big trip

In winter of 2002 Alex sire and the Elders saw something in Alex that no one else did. The Elder saw that Alex could lead the vampires in New York to a new age but he had alot to learn first and if he was to stay in New York he would never learn anything so he was told that something was up in NY so all vampires 100 or younger had to leave he's elders called Malice and had him send some money so Alex could be sent to Paris. And to say Alex hated it at first how bout that would not be doing it justice he was down right pissed off. But he has grown to like even made a couple friends and is learning already. Malice makes sure he reads all the old books and talks to any of the older vampires in Paris so when the time comes Alex can return to NY and lead the vampires there

Hiden Fact on Alex Kushiel:Alex talks bout having a mate who left him because he was soft truth was she left him because he wouldn't leave NY

Malice on Alex:Young Alex the self titled pride vampire from New York you are here in Paris and I am your teacher so learn well or else Youn One