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Hair:short blue hair

Skin: Pale

Eyes: Red

Height: 5'4"

Build: thin

Over 100 years ago Malice had an affair with a demon and a child was born that child was Rebbeca or Bekka has her father calls her was raised by her father after the husband of her mother find out she wasn't he's daughter and had killed her mother when he went to kill her he stopped wanting Malice to see her death but that was a mistake becasuse Malice take he's life and then take Bekka with home with him so he could raise he's daughter

Malice loves he's daugher a great deal so much that he drive he's vampire daughter away. Bekka is very bussness like she is in charge of her father'd money and runs the dance club in Russia her father owns she even from time to time runs her fathers dance club in Paris when he is away. After he noticed how happy Paris made her he bought a clothen store in Paris for her she lives in he's town house in Paris having her close makes him happy and upsets her because she feels he still see's her has a little child

When not taking care of the clothen store or one of her fathers clubs she like to get away from her fathers eyes and be a lady shoping and dancing and even acting in plays she wants to be as normal has any half demon half vampire can be. She has chosen to stay single because "No boy can past her fathers test" after all metting a girl's 800 year old vampire father is to much to ask

Hiden Fact on Bekka: Unknown to Bekka because her father never told her is that she is there heir to her great great grandfathers powers one of the strongest wizards to ever live