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Ex-Slayer from the Chapel

Hair:a little long and blonde.

Skin: a little pale.

Height: 5'10".

Build: Small.

Christian is a half breed his mother was human and his father was a demon. He doesn't know who he's mother and father because when he was a baby he was given to The Chapel a order of demon slayers who uses half breeds like him to kill demons and vampires raised to not even know love Christian only had one thing left to hold on to that was his dreams of being free

The first job Christian was given was to kill a vampire when Christian returned and told them he didn't do it was set free by only to run for his life but instead he fought back killing the leaders of The Chapel his is now free but finds freedom to empty and lonely when he have no famliy and no friends but in the time since he has grown a few friends one of them being the vampire who was sent to kill who he calls his Keeper

Cross on Christian"Christian you can hide what you are from everyone but not from me boy"

Hiden Fact:Christian works as a bouncer at a Gay Strip Club