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The flame that never dies


Hair:Short and Black

Skin: Very pale unless he feeds.

Height: 6' 2".

Build: large.

Date of siring: unknown

Gate is a ex-body guard but more to the point he is a vampire for how long is unknown his mortal years are a blur to him so how his early years as a vampire he doesn't really care to know why he just live his life the best he can Gate first appeared during World War 2 those are his first memorys as a vampire he awake in a building that had been bombed the first thing he saw was a red haired woman but only for a few seconds because when he blinked she was gone

He saled himself out to the highest bidder as a body guard that highest bidder a vampire named Orlock or Lock for short until Lock was killed Gate retired after that and traveled the world doing this time he became a fan of going to play at one of these play he saw a young woman whom he full in love with and now watches from afar awaiting the right time to make he is....forver

Christian Stone on Gate"Gate your life is a open book one with chapters not yet writen"

Hiden Fact:Gate was known for having affairs with many woman before he became a vampire one even give birth to a daughter the mother of.....Christin Stone !