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Hair:Strawberry blonde, long curly tresses.


Skin: Smooth, flawless, tanned, warm flesh.


Build:Slim, toned, and full. Breathtakingly, beautiful.

Type:Mortal, 22 years of age.

Her story: At the young age of 12 Jessica Black found herself on the streets of New Orleans. Her family life up until that point had been abusive. Both of her parents had been heavy drinkers, and had blamed the small girl for everything that had befallen them. Jessica, who is now known as Jesse, didn’t understand what she had done to make her parents so angry with her. Then one night when she was 12, her father had lost all reason. He beat her with in an inch of her life, and as she lay there on the floor, broken and bleeding, her eyes stared painfully at the man she had to call father. He had stared back at her with his hideous smirk, and more hatred then she had ever seen in his eyes before. She can remember hearing her mother’s cries vaguely, and the fight that was beginning to echo through the room. She never understood half of the things they said to each other that night, and she wouldn’t understand them until years later. Her father in a rage that night killed her mother, while making sure Jesse witnessed every little detail of the horrendous act. She found herself crying for the mother she never knew, and the woman she hated almost as much as her father. He had laughed crazily, once he was finished. The sound was high pitched and frightening to hear, it sounded like a rabid animal instead of a human man. He had then took his own life, thinking that Jesse would die slowly the way he had hoped, but Jesse didn’t die that night, she had lived.

The weeks that followed her recovery were filled with the hushed words, and secret glances of the neighbours that had taken her in. Then one day Jesse left her little bed, in search of a cold drink, but what she had come across shocked her young mind more then anything that had happened so far. The two ladies, who were looking after her, had been in what seemed to be a very heated discussion about her. She had remained quite listening to why she had never been loved, and why she never would be. Making her decision she left in the early morning of the fading night. Two years she wondered the streets of New Orleans, begging for the little food that she ate, and making sure to remain unseen by those who would know her.

It was just over two years when he found her, dirty and spirited. How a child of such poor circumstance could remain unbroken had baffled him, but he could also see the beauty that was already beginning to show. He had to have her, for his own, and he would. He had come to her one night, promising to show her the world, and all it had to offer such a beautiful girl. She had been but 14, and he had promised to give her the only thing she had ever wanted, there was no way for her to refuse such a offer, and she didn’t. 8 years had passed, sense he had come into her life, with promises and hope for a better life. She had been around the world, she had been to all this beautiful places, yet she never got to see the country, she was in at the time. The only thing she ever saw was the endless train of men that would come into the camber, which was her prison. The fire that burned inside of her never went out; even with the horrible rape the man put her through day and night. She would fight until, overpowered by those who were stronger then her. Then three months into her 22nd year, she found a way to escape her captor, and she ran, never looking back. Now on the streets of Paris, she knows he will not find her here, this place had frightened him, so much that out of all the world he never brought her here. On the streets once again, she finds herself alone, and in control of her life once more. Only now what she wants is not that of a 14 year olds dream, she is hot, and cold, and seeks only what the flesh may offer, even if that flesh would bring death, she would welcome it with open arms.

Hidden fact. "The only gift I had ever recieved from the people who put me through hell and back, was a doll. It had a beautiful porcline face, and long brown hair that fell in ringlets around her shoulders and face. Her dress was a beautiful green velvet that made her look like a young noble woman. I named her Lady Bella, and I wanted to be her, to see the things she had seen, and to have all the love she had.

Vault on Jessica Black: My dear child you are just like a doll looking for someone to hold her and love her I was the same once but I prey that you don't end up like me a broken down man of god