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Magnus Kharis

Bisley my brother for more years then I can remember because I last count you hide youself under the name of The Edge now it is Neo Edge I hear my brother how I wish I could love you but you have let the power you have been giving poison you and all I can do is cry for you because no one else will when you slayed Shane I cried for him because you wouldn't I cried for what pain you caused Night Angel and I cry now for all you have hurt

I like you once used a name so that I could hide my pain I was called Rage and I too hurt Night Angel I stole her and Shanes child yes you got it back but when you had me down I saw something in your eyes no one had ever saw tears I saw tears you couldn't kill me but when I saw you cry I wanted to hug you and impale myself on Death Edge

But you turned your back on me and told the world I was dead I was hurt but I know now it was what I had coming. I walked the world a broken soul but a man named HellSing took me in and helped me find inner peace and everynight I prey that Shane and Night Angel have forgiving me for my sins and brother I prey for you I pray for Tabitha and Draven your son and daughter I prey for Shane and Night Angels child I even prey for my daugther

Edge on Magnus"Go to hell Magnus go tell your sad storie to someone who cares I hate you to me your dead you are NOTHING"

Hiden Fact: Magnus got he's white hair when HellSing told him to feed from him that's why him and Edge no longer really look alike