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"Scream for me"

Hair:short and Black.

Skin: Very pale unless he feeds.

Height: six feet.

Build: Small.

Date of siring: some time during the late 1200's maybe late 1300's.

Malice once a man with a post no one but himself knows about bout but that has since changed as The Book of Iscariot has been found and the soul of the vampire queen that once controled his been put in place what was find in the book and in his freedom is one name one story one life of pain of a man named Sir Alexander Iscariot

sometime in 1289 Alexander Iscariot was a knight and a good one at that but he was sent from Russia to guard a prince and make sure he married the daugher of another king but things didn't go has wanted and the prince ran off with a young and poor maiden girl

Sir Alexander was then bought before the church so someone could pay for the actions of the prince the priest went to proform something evil on him using the soul of demon in the end Alexander was turned into a vampire aftfer killing all who made him into what he is he renamed himself Malice

Julian LeGoria on Malice"Of all the vampires me and my sister have called famliy you my friend or the greatest famliy we have had"

The Mark of Iscariot

Hiden Fact:Neo Edge and Malice are close friends and records show that the two of them came to America together during the late 1800's