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Neo Edge

Hair:short black.

Skin: pale unless he feeds.

Height: 6'.

Build: Small.

DOB: unknwon.

Date of siring: Small.

they say the boogie man isn't real but don't tell that to Neo because he may very well be the real boogie man once known as Edge the man who died more time then he can count maybe because his is a bit on the insane side each time he came back he was more insane then before. Neo has laid about his past to hide things but in his lies is a little truth his real name is Bisley Kharis he does have a twin named Magnus and a halfbrother named Brimstone and his sire is Ananka but after that most of it is lies

He came to the theater for no reason unless you count causing trouple but he was ending married 2 twice and very dead but it wasn't long until the insane vampire returned and left one of his closets friends dead now more insane then every before his renamed himself Neo and thrown his past false are real to the side with his sword known as Death's Edge a sword made from a metal only found in hell Neo is on the hunt for anyone who has wronged him

Gate on Neo"Neo how one can be as insane as you is hard to beleave and though we have never met I know all about you and someday we will met"

Hiden Fact:Neo 2 brothers both died at his hands killings he did for the fun of it